Fogorvosi szemle, 2002 (95. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

2002-02-01 / 1. szám

31 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 95. évf. 1. sz. 2002. 9. Hovland EJ, Dumsha TC: Leakage evaluation in vitro of the root canal sealer cement Sealapex. Int Endod J 1985; 18: 179- 182. 10. Lares C, El Deeb ME: The sealing ability of the Thermafil obtu­ration technique. J Endod 1990; 16: 474-479. 11. Leung SF, Gulabivala K: An in vitro evaluation of the influence of canal curvature on the sealing ability of Thermafil. Int Endod J 1994; 27: 190-196. 12. Mann SR, McWalter GM: Evaluation of apical seal and pla­cement control in straight and curved canals obturated by laterally condensed and thermoplasticized gutta-percha. J Endod 1987; 13: 10-17. 13. Schneider SW: A comparison of canal preparations in straight and curved root canals. Oral Surg, Oral Med and Oral Path 1971; 32: 271-275. 14. SCHUURS AHB, Wu MK, WESSELINK PR, DUIVENVOORDEN HJ: Endodontic leakage studies reconsidered. Part il. Statistical as­pects. Int Endod J 1993; 26: 44-52. 15. Schankar P, Parameswaran a, Lakshminarayanan L: Apical third instrumentation of curved canals with K-type and Canal Master instruments. J Endod 1993; 19: 224-227. 16. Thompson SA, Al-Omari MAO, Dummer PMH: Assessing the shape of root canals: an in vitro method using microradiography. Int Endod J 1995; 28: 61-67. 17. Wu MK, Wesselink PR: Endodontic leakage studies reconsidered. Part I. Methodology, application and relevance. Int Endod J 1993; 22: 226-235. 18. Wu MK, Fan B, Wesselink PR: Leakage along apical root filling in curved root canal. Part I. Effects of apical transportation on seal of root filling. J Endod 2000; Dr. Juhász A, dr. Szabó Z, dr. Márton I, dr. Fejérdy P, dr. Dobó Nagy Cs: Microleakage extent in respect of root canal morphology The purpose of this study was to study with standardized methods the length and extent of the microleakage devel­oping around the root canal fillings. The preparational errors were evaluated in twenty straight and curved root canal using computer graphic analysis. The step back technique was used for root canal preparation. The shape of the in­strumented root canals were analyzed macroradiographically in order to evaluate unwanted procedural root canal de­formities. The root canals were obturated with lateral condensation technique using AH-26 sealer and guttapercha points. After the teeth having been made transparent a silver nitrate penetration test was performed in vacuum and both the linear dye penetration and the extent of dye penetration surface area were measured from four directions with computer assisted digitized method. The linear dye penetration values were higher in straight root canals than in curved ones: 2.22+1.17 mm and 1.81+1.24 mm respectively. The dye penetration surface area was slightly also larger in straight than in curved root canals: 1.3±0.71 mm2 vs. 1.06+0.5 mm2. Nevertheless the differences were statistically non significant. In curved root canals the highest dye penetration values were measured at the inner curvature of the canals. This findings was also corroborated by a coincidence test. Keywords: clear technique, digital imaging, dye penetration, microleakage, preparational shortcomings

