Fogorvosi szemle, 1997 (90. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1997-02-01 / 2. szám
M.: Effect of a dentifrice containing triclosan and a copolymer on plaque formation. A 6 week clinical study. Am. J. Dent. 2, 225, 1989. - 24. Shaw, L., Murray, J.: Diagnostic reproducibility of periodontal indices. J. Periodont. Res. 12, 141, 1977. — 25. Smith, L. W., Suomi, J. D., Green, J. C., Barbano, J. P. : A study of intraexaminer variation in scoring oral hygiene status, gingival inflammation and epithelial attachment level. J. Periodontol. 41, 671, 1970. - 26. Suomi, J. D., Plumbo, J., Barbano, J. P. : A comparative study of radiographs as a pocket measurements in periodontal disease evaluation J. Periodontol. 39, 311, 1968. - 27. Turesky, S., Gilmore, N. D., Glickman, I.: Reduced plaque formation by the chlormethyl analog of Victamine C. J. Periodontol. 41, 41, 1970. Dr. Gera, L, dr. Benedek, E., dr. Kövesi, Gy., dr. Fairbrother, K. J.: The role of the selectivity and sensitivity of the oral hygiene indices in the selection of the proper methodology of the plaque control clinical studies A double blind split-pilot study was carried out to test the potential increase in sensitivity of the Quigley and Hein (Turesky modification) plaque index using a six site recording technique against the two site technique in assessing the antiplaque effects of dentifrices. The study also evaluated the impact of asking the subjects not to brush their teeth the morning of the evaluations versus those who where hot given these instruction. The results indicated that the triclosan containing dentifrice had a significant anti-plaque effect over the placebo at 3 weeks when using both two (p=0,003) and six (p=0,002) sited plaque assessment methods. However the six-sited index demonstrated the greater efficacy for the active dentifrice. At six weeks no statistically significant difference between the two dentifrices was seen. The instruction of subjects not to brush before the plaque evaluation increased the mean plaque scores as well as the treatment effect at any time. In conclusion: The six-sited plaque index increased the sensitivity of the index in determining the anti-plaque efficacy of dentifrices, as well as indicating that instructing subjects not to brush preceding their plaque evaluations also increases sensitivity for determining anti-plaque efficacy of dentifrices. 47