Fogorvosi szemle, 1992 (85. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1992-02-01 / 2. szám

specimens excised by carbon dioxide laser. J. Surg. Res. 21, 77, 1976. — 3. Basu, M. K., Frame, J. W., Rhys Evans, P. П.: Wound healing following partial glossectomy using the C02 laser, diathermy and scalpel J. Laryngol. Otol. 102, 322, 1988. — 4. Fisher, 8. E., Frame, J. W., Browne, R. M., Tranter, R. M. I).: A comparative histo­logical study of wound healing following C02 laser and conventional surgical excision of canine buccal mucosa. Arch. Oral. Biol. 28, 287. 1983. — 5. Fisher, S. E., Frame, J. W.: The effects of carbon dioxide laser on oral tissues. Br. J. Oral Max. fac. Surg. 22, 414, 1984. — 6. Gáspár, L., Szabó Gy.: Laser surgery in the oral cavity and on the face. Acta Chir. Max. fac. (közlés alatt). — 7. Gáspár L., Tóth J.: A C02 lasersugár di­rekt hatásának kísérletes vizsgálata a száj nyálkahártyán. Morph. lg. Orv. Szle. 29, 207, 1989. — 8. Glover, J. L., Bendick, P. J., Link, W. J.: The use of thermal knives in surgery. Curr. Probl. Surg. 15, 1, 1978. — 9. Hall, R. R., Beach, A. D., Baker, E., Marison, P. C. A.: Incision of tissue by carbon dioxide laser. Nature (London), 232, 31, 1971. — 10. Kaplan, I. Oiler, 8.: C02 laser surgery. Springer, Berlin. 1984. — 11. Plenk, jr. H.: Zur Mikroskopie des Laserschnitts in verschiedenen Geweben. In: Dinstl, K. P., Fischer, L.: Der Laser Springer, Berlin, 105. 1981. — 12. Sowislo, W., Drilen, B., Lunkerheimer, P. P., Freytag, G., Dittrich, H.: Vergleichende Beobachtungen zur Wund­heilung nach Laser- Skalpell- und Thermokauterschnitt. Zbl. Chirurgie 104, 38, 1979. — 13. Stellar, 8., Polanyi, T. G., Bredemeier, H. C.: Experimental studies with the car­bon dioxide laser as a surgical instrument. Med. Biol. Engng. 8, 549, 1970. — 14. Vers­­ebneren, R. C. J.: The C02 laser in tumor surgery Gorcum. Assen, Amsterdam, 1976. — 15. Verschueren, R. G. J., Oldhoff, J.: The carbon dioxide laser. A new surgical tool. Arch. Chir. Neth. 27, 197, 1975. — 16. Viehberger, G., Fischer, R., Kyrie, P., Plenk, H. jr.: Ultrastructure of sceletal muscle after C02 laser. Res. Exp. Med. (Berlin) 176, 69, 1979. Gáspár L. Dr., Sudár F. Dr., Tóth J. Dr., Madarász В. Dr.: Light microscopical, scan­ning electronmicroscopical and electron microscopical comparing examination of the effect of interventions created in the mouth cavity by means of the surgical scalpel the electrokauter and the C02-laser ray. Tissue effect interventions by means of surgical scalpel, elecrtokauter and C02-laser ray in the mouth cavity of 20 white rats has been examined. According to their light microscopical examinations both the laser and the electrokauter caused thermal inju­ries taking place in typical zones while by the scalpel the cut surface in rendered ragged. The band-width of the thermoinjury caused by the kauter is a multiple of that caused by the laser. It has been proved by means of scanning eleotronmicroscopial examinati­ons that interventions by means of laser result in sharp wound borders, the wounds cut by means of kauter are characterised by the presence of a great number of carbonized specks while by means of the scalpel a mechanical tear of the tissues is brought about. By means of electronmicroscopical examination the characteristics of the typical ther­­moinjured zones are descibed. It has been established that in the case of laser the in­jury of the ultra-structure extends to 400 pm while in case of electrokauter it reaches a width of 1500 pm. The excellent haemostatic effect brought about by the thermoeffect by means of the laser, in contrast to the broad thermoinjured zone caused by the kau­ter, is obtained at a very mild thermoinjury. FOGSZAKORVOSNÖ jelentkezését várjuk 44 német nyelvismerettel, esetleg fogszabályozási gyakorlattal, részletes önéletrajzzal, fényképpel, igényekkel. Dentál Kft. Zalakaros Pf. 153

