Fogorvosi szemle, 1992 (85. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1992-02-01 / 2. szám
specimens excised by carbon dioxide laser. J. Surg. Res. 21, 77, 1976. — 3. Basu, M. K., Frame, J. W., Rhys Evans, P. П.: Wound healing following partial glossectomy using the C02 laser, diathermy and scalpel J. Laryngol. Otol. 102, 322, 1988. — 4. Fisher, 8. E., Frame, J. W., Browne, R. M., Tranter, R. M. I).: A comparative histological study of wound healing following C02 laser and conventional surgical excision of canine buccal mucosa. Arch. Oral. Biol. 28, 287. 1983. — 5. Fisher, S. E., Frame, J. W.: The effects of carbon dioxide laser on oral tissues. Br. J. Oral Max. fac. Surg. 22, 414, 1984. — 6. Gáspár, L., Szabó Gy.: Laser surgery in the oral cavity and on the face. Acta Chir. Max. fac. (közlés alatt). — 7. Gáspár L., Tóth J.: A C02 lasersugár direkt hatásának kísérletes vizsgálata a száj nyálkahártyán. Morph. lg. Orv. Szle. 29, 207, 1989. — 8. Glover, J. L., Bendick, P. J., Link, W. J.: The use of thermal knives in surgery. Curr. Probl. Surg. 15, 1, 1978. — 9. Hall, R. R., Beach, A. D., Baker, E., Marison, P. C. A.: Incision of tissue by carbon dioxide laser. Nature (London), 232, 31, 1971. — 10. Kaplan, I. Oiler, 8.: C02 laser surgery. Springer, Berlin. 1984. — 11. Plenk, jr. H.: Zur Mikroskopie des Laserschnitts in verschiedenen Geweben. In: Dinstl, K. P., Fischer, L.: Der Laser Springer, Berlin, 105. 1981. — 12. Sowislo, W., Drilen, B., Lunkerheimer, P. P., Freytag, G., Dittrich, H.: Vergleichende Beobachtungen zur Wundheilung nach Laser- Skalpell- und Thermokauterschnitt. Zbl. Chirurgie 104, 38, 1979. — 13. Stellar, 8., Polanyi, T. G., Bredemeier, H. C.: Experimental studies with the carbon dioxide laser as a surgical instrument. Med. Biol. Engng. 8, 549, 1970. — 14. Versebneren, R. C. J.: The C02 laser in tumor surgery Gorcum. Assen, Amsterdam, 1976. — 15. Verschueren, R. G. J., Oldhoff, J.: The carbon dioxide laser. A new surgical tool. Arch. Chir. Neth. 27, 197, 1975. — 16. Viehberger, G., Fischer, R., Kyrie, P., Plenk, H. jr.: Ultrastructure of sceletal muscle after C02 laser. Res. Exp. Med. (Berlin) 176, 69, 1979. Gáspár L. Dr., Sudár F. Dr., Tóth J. Dr., Madarász В. Dr.: Light microscopical, scanning electronmicroscopical and electron microscopical comparing examination of the effect of interventions created in the mouth cavity by means of the surgical scalpel the electrokauter and the C02-laser ray. Tissue effect interventions by means of surgical scalpel, elecrtokauter and C02-laser ray in the mouth cavity of 20 white rats has been examined. According to their light microscopical examinations both the laser and the electrokauter caused thermal injuries taking place in typical zones while by the scalpel the cut surface in rendered ragged. The band-width of the thermoinjury caused by the kauter is a multiple of that caused by the laser. It has been proved by means of scanning eleotronmicroscopial examinations that interventions by means of laser result in sharp wound borders, the wounds cut by means of kauter are characterised by the presence of a great number of carbonized specks while by means of the scalpel a mechanical tear of the tissues is brought about. By means of electronmicroscopical examination the characteristics of the typical thermoinjured zones are descibed. It has been established that in the case of laser the injury of the ultra-structure extends to 400 pm while in case of electrokauter it reaches a width of 1500 pm. The excellent haemostatic effect brought about by the thermoeffect by means of the laser, in contrast to the broad thermoinjured zone caused by the kauter, is obtained at a very mild thermoinjury. FOGSZAKORVOSNÖ jelentkezését várjuk 44 német nyelvismerettel, esetleg fogszabályozási gyakorlattal, részletes önéletrajzzal, fényképpel, igényekkel. Dentál Kft. Zalakaros Pf. 153