Fogorvosi szemle, 1990 (83. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1990-01-01 / 1. szám
a fog felszínén nem egyenletesen, hanem foltokban helyezkedhetnek el. összefoglalva megállapíthatjuk, hogy a patkánymetszőfog savi oldódása során alig és igen jelentősen kioldott területek találhatók egy fogon belül is. Így a savoldékonyság-vizsgálatok során mért kioldott anyagmennyiségek csak a fogzománc oldékonyságának átlagos jellemzésére alkalmasak. IRODALOM: 1. Gängler, P. and Hoyer, I.: In vivo remineralization of etched human and rat enamel. Caries Res., 18, 336, 1984. — 2. Gwinnett, A. J.: The ultrastructure of the prismless enamel od deciduous teeth. Archs. oral Biol.,, 11, 1109, 1966. — 3. Gwinnett, A. J.: The ultrastructure of the „primless” enamel of permanent human teeth. Archs. oral Biol., 12, 381, 1967. — 4. Gwinnett. A. J., Buonocore, M. G. and Sheykholeslam, Z.: Effect of fluoride on etched human and bovine tooth enamel surfaces as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy. Archs. oral Biol., 17, 271, 1972. — 5. Halse, A.: Electron micprobe analysis of iron content of some species of Rodentia. Arch, oral Biol., 19, 7, 1974. — 6. Hoffman, S., McEwan, W. S. and Drew, E. M.: Scanning electron microscopy studies of EDTA-treated enamel. J. dent. Res., 48, 1234, 1969. — 7. Palamara, J., Phakey, P. P., Rachinger, W. A., and Orams, H. J.: Electron microscopy of surface enamel of human unerupted and erupted teeth. Arch, oral Biol., 25, 715, 1980. — 8. Poole, D. F. G. and Johnson, N. W.: The effects of different demineralizing agents on human enamel surfaces studied by scanning electron microscopy. Arch, oral Biol., 12, 1621, 1967. — 9. Ripa, L. W., Gwinnett, A. J. and Buonocore, M. G.: The „primless’ outer layer of deciduous and permanent teeth. Arch, oral Biol., 11, 41, 1966. — 10. Shearer, T. R.: Developmental and post-developmental uptake of dietary organic and inorganic selenium into the molar teeth of rats. J. Nutr., 105, 338, 1975. — 11. Sheykholeslam, Z. and Buonocore, M. G.: Bonding of resins to phosphoric acid-etched enamel surfaces of permanent and deciduous teeth. J. dent. Res., 51, 1572, 1972. — 12. Silverstone, L. M., Saxton, C. A., Dogan, 1. L. and Fejerskov, О.: Variation in the pattern of acid etching of human dental enamel examined by scanning electron microscopy. Caries Res., 9, 373, 1975. — 13. Skobe, Z.: The secretory stage of amelogenesis in rat mandibular incisor teeth observed by scanning electron microscopy. Calc. Tissue. Res., 21, 83, 1976. — 14. Skobe, Z. and Stern, D.: Scanning and transmission electron microscopy of enamel formation and structure in the molar teeth of rats. Archs. oral Biol., 23, 307, 1978. — 15. iff. Tóth P., Müller В., Szombath D., Fejérdy P. és Kóbor A.: Szelén hatása normál tápon vagy fehérjeszegény diétán tartott patkányok metszőfogzománcának savoldékonyságára. Fog. Szle., 81, 339, 1988. — 16. Warshawsky, H.: A light and electronmicroscopic study of the nearly mature enamel of rat incisors. Anat. Res., 169, 559, 1971. — 17. Warshawsky, H. and Smith, С. E.: A three dimensional reconstruction of the rods in rat maxillary enamel. Anat. Rec., 169, 585, 1971. — 18. Whittaker, D. K.: Structural variations in the surface zone of human tooth enamel observed by scanning electron microscopy. Archs. oral Biol., 2J7, 383, 1982. Tóth, P. Jr. Dr., Kovács, J. Dr, Somogyi, E. Dr., Müller, В. Dr.: Evaluation of the morphology of rat incisor enamel exposed to acid action on basis of sweeping electronmicroscopic pictures 29