Fogorvosi szemle, 1985 (78. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1985-10-01 / 10. szám

Gelhard, T. В. F. М.: In vivo remineralization of human enamel. Keynote Lecture: Remineralization of the Teeth. 1983. — 7. Backet—Dirks, O.: Post-eruptive changes in dental enamel. J. Dent. Res. 45, 503, 1966. — 8. Barrer, If. M.: Molecular Sieve behaviour of solids. Quart. Rev. chem. Soc. (London) 3, 293, 1949. C'it.: Nair, P. N. H. und Schroeder, H. E.: Schinelzkaries, ist sie heilbar? Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnheilk. 91, 633, 1981. — 9. Bánóczy J.: A cariologia mai állása. Fogorv. Szle. 77, 1, 1984. — 10. Bőddé, H. E., Koops, P. G. and Arende, J.: Effect of an APF pretreatment on in vitro remineralization of initial enamel lesions. Caries Res. 18, 344. 1984. — 11. Bunting, If. IF. and Rickert, U. G.: Dental Caries. J. Nat. Dent. Ass. 2. 247, 1915. — 12. Buonocore, M. G., and Gwinett, A. J.: Chemical, polarized light, and microradiographic study of the effects of various toothpastes on „white spot” formation in vitro. J. Oral. Ther. Pharrn. 3, 321, 1967. — 13. 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