Fáklyaláng, 1960. október (1. évfolyam, 3. szám)
1960-10-23 / 3. szám
Jáklgaláng AZ AMERIKAI MAGYAR SZÖVETSÉG KELETI KERÜLETÉNEK ÉRTESÍTŐJE “HISZEK MAGYARORSZÁG FELTÁMADÁSÁBAN!” \■ I. ÉVFOLYAM III. (ÜNNEPI SZÁM) NEW YORK, I960 OKTÓBER 23. FOUR YEARS AFTER BY HENRY CABOT LODGE. It is four years since the Hungarian Revolution erupted against the communist dictators of Russia. Yet the vicious, sadistic crushing of a freedom loving people by the Soviets is still so shockingly vivid throughout the world that it might have happened yesterday. Who, anywhere, can forget the merciless tactics of the Russians as they poured tanks and artillery into Hungary to kill patriots by the thousand andre-enslave a gallant nation? \ The Soviets won that disgraceful battle, but they have not won the war and they have paid a huge price in world esteem for their brutality against Hungary. The United States, whose representative at the UN I was at this time, was one of a group of nations which sponsored the creation of a special UN Committee which wrote a devastating indictment of Soviet behavior in Hungary. There, the UN passed a resolution in the General Assembly denouncing Soviet actions by an overwhelming and climactic 60 to 10 vote. Only the Soviet satellites opposed the resolution. Ever since we have refused to let the Hungarian issue die. One of my last official acts as United States Representative was to ask that the Hungarian question again be placed on the agenda at the current session of the UN General Assembly. The cry of Hungary’s freedom-fighters still echoes in the corridors of the United Nations. It makes total mockery of Soviet protestations about the virtues of co-existence and the liberation of colonies. More than this, the Hungarian Revolution. like our own American Revolution, will remain a monument to freedom, selflessness and supreme courage as long as freedom lives in the world. We in the United States pledge ourselves always to keep the example of Hungary before us. We will never rest content until the brave Hungarian people are allowed the total right of self-determination. The Declaration of Independence, as Abraham Lincoln said, was never an exclusively American document — its sentiments and ideals apply everywhere. And the phrase from the Declaration — “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” — is nowhere more fittingly applied than to the heroic people of Hungary. And by that I mean happiness as the Hungarian people conceive it for themselves, not as Chairman Khruhschev would dictate it to them. On this fourth anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution, we feel as deeply as ever about the tremendous sufferings of the Hungarian people. We yearn as deeply as ever for their right to freedom from slavery — we will continue at the United Nations to expose the Soviet’s flagrant violation of the UN Charter in their assault on Hungary — an assault so wanton or brutal that the new members of the United Nations — notably the emerging African states — have been shocked into a shrinking away from Soviet blandishments. The inspiration of the Hungarian patriots is a lasting reminder of decency pitted against despotism. In the long run, as has always happened in history, despotism will be the loser.