Szociológusok. Személyi bibliográfiák 2.

Mannheim művei

59. Sociology for the Educator and the Sociology of Education. = Sociology of Education. 1944. The Playhouse Press. 60. The Function of the Refuge: A Rejoinder. = NEW. Vol. 27. 19. Apr. 1945. p. 5-6. 61. The Meaningcf Popularization in a Mass Society. = ChNL. 7. Febr. No 227. /Supplement/ 1945. p. 7-12. 62. Foreword to Viola Klein: The Femine Character:- History of an Ideology. London, Kegan Paul, Trubner and Co. 1946. p. VII-XIV. 63. Lukács György - Mannheim Károly késői /1946/ levélváltása. /A bevezetőt és a jegyzetdset ír­ta, a leveleket közzétette: Gábor Éva./ = Iro­dalomtörténet 1980. 2. p. 514-524. 64. Preface to the English Edition of a Handbook of Sociology by W. F. Ogburn. London, Rout- ledge & Kegan Paul, 1947. p. XI. 1950 - 1956 65. Freedom, Power, and Democratic Planning. Ed. Ernest K. Bramsted and Hans Geerth. Forw. Adolf Lowe. A Note on the Work of Karl Mannheim by the editors. New York - London, Oxford Univer­sity Press. Routledge Paul. 1950. 384 p. /[ntemational Library of Sociology and Social 22

