Szociológusok. Személyi bibliográfiák 2.

Mannheim művei

50. Zur Diagnose unserer Zeit. = MW. 1. Sept.- Okt., 1937. p. 100-121. Ua. angolul: On the Diagnosis of Our Time. Transi. K. H. Wolff. = FKM. p. 350-366. 1938 - 1940 51. Adult Education and the Social Sciences. = TBAE. 2nd Ser. Do 20. Eebr. 1938. p. 27-34. 52. The History of the Concept of the State as an Organism: A Sociological Analysis. University of Cambridge. 20. Jan. 1939. /Ea./ Ua. ESSP. p. 165-182. 53. Mass Education and Group Analysis. = Educating for Democracy. London, Macmillan and Co. 1939. p. 329-364. Ua. DOT. p. 73-94. 54. Planned Society and the Problem of Human Per­sonality: A Sociological Analysis. Lectures: The Age of Planning; The Impact of Social Processes on the Formation of Personality in the Light of Modern Sociology; Limits of the Sociological Approach to Personality and the Emergence of the Democratic Idea of Planning. In Manchester College, Oxford, Jan.-March, 1940. /Ea./ Ua. ESSP. p. 253-310. 20

