A Fővárosi Könyvtár értesítője 1911

1911 / 1. szám - A Fővárosi Könyvtár szerzeményei 1911. január-február havában

41 KÖZGAZDASÁGTAN 42 Harriman, Edw. A. Administrative control of corporations. == Amer. pol. science assoc. Proceedings, 6. 1910. (33-45) — XX 859 Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Lords of industry. New York : Putnam 1910. (355) — Am 858 Macrosty, Henry W. Das Trustwesen in der O britischen Industrie. [The trust movement in british industry. 1907.] Übertr. v. Felicitas Leo. Berlin : Heymann 1910. (XII, 308) (Moderne Wirtschafts­probleme, 4.) — Br 722 Norvégia. Statistiske centralbyraa Norske aktiesel- skaper, 1892—906. Forelobige opgaver. — Sociétés par actions. Renseignements provisoires. Kristiania : Aschehoug 1910. (VI, 80) (Norges off. Statistik, 5. 106.) - Sk 164 Sullivan, John J. American corporations, the legal rules governing corporate organization, and mana­gement, with forms and illustrations. New York : Appleton 1910. (XIII, 455) — Am 863 Utsch, Otto. Kartelle und Arbeiter. Eine wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Studie, bes. an der schweren Industrie Deutschlands. Berlin: Siemenroth 1911. (XV, 262) — Nm 1703 [Bibliographie: p. IX—XV.] Szövetkezés Coopération — Genossenschaftswesen Allan, John. Productive cooperation. Manchester: Centr. coop, board 1887. (8) = [Coop, pamphlets, 19.] — Br 485 Bowyear, Henry. Industrial and social cooperation : its aims, methods, and organisation. Manchester : Centr. coop, board. [188?.] (15) = [Coop, pamphlets, 12] — Br 485 Brázay Zoltán. Néhány szó az új szövetkezeti tör­vényjavaslatról. Az Orsz. magy. keresk. egyesülés­hez beterjesztett vélemény. Bp.: Korvin [1904.] (35) — P Central cooperative board : its use, work, and cost. Manchester 1885. (15) = [C o o p. p a m p h 1 e t s, 4.] — Br 485 [Cooperation pamphlets. Voi. 1—2.] Manchester: Centr. coop, board 1873—88. —Br 485 Copland, E. Ought productive works to be carried on as departments of the wholesale societies? If so, under what conditions ? Manchester : Centr. coop, board 1888. (12) == [Coop, pamphlets, 20.] — Br 485 Crooks, W. Education in connection with cooperation. Manchester: Centr. coop, board 1885. (7) = [Coop, pamphlets, 13.] — Br 485 Gorju, Camille. L’évolution coopérative en France. 0 1—2. Paris: Rivière 1910—11. —Fr 862 1. Exposé comparatif de l’organisation et du développement des coopératives de consommation et de production. 1910. (58) 2. Exposé économique des méthodes de concentrations dans les coopératives agricoles de production. 1911. (53) Gray, J. C. How to start cooperative stores. Manchester: Centr. coop, board [1885?] (8) = [C o o p. p a m p h 1 e t s, 5.] — Br 485 Greening, E. W. Profit sharing and cooperative production, with appendix.-----Indust r. remuneration conf. Report. 1885. (3 04—11) — XVII 1812 Holyoake, Geo. Jac. The logic of cooperation. London : Trübner 1873. (16) = [C o o p. p a m p h 1 e t s, 1.] — Br 485 Holyoake, Geo. Jac. The policy of commercial cooperation as respects including the consumer. London : Trübner [1886?] (18)- [C o o p. p a m p h 1 e t s, 6.] — Br 485 Jones, Benj. What is meant by cooperation. Manchester : Centr. coop, board [1886.] (35) = |Coop. pamphlets, 2. — Br 485 M[ac] Innés, Duncan. Cooperative agriculture. Man­chester : Centr. coop, board 1887. (14) ===== [Coop, pamphlets, 22.] — Br 485 Maxwell, Will. Wholesale cooperation a necessity. Lecture. Manchester: Centr. coop, board 1888. (28) = [Coop, pamphlets, 8.] — Br 485 Sharp, miss. Cooperative education. Manchester: Centr. coop, board 1886. (12) = [Coop, pamphlets, 14.] — Br 485 Soltész Ad. Magyar Rochdale. A Budapesti szabó­iparosok hitel- és termelőszövetkezetének tízéves története. Bp. 1911. (128) (Bp. szabóiparosok hitel- & termelőszöv. kiadv. 2.) — Bp 2538 Swallow, W. The duty of the distributive store towards the productions of cooperative societies. Manchester: Centr. coop, board [188?.] (8) = [C o o p. p a m p h 1 e t s, 9.] — Br 485 Swallow, W. Cooperative production. Manchester : Centr. coop, board 1886. (12) = [Coop, pamphlets, 17.] — Br 485 Thomson, Daniel. The relation of cooperative to competitive trading, with special reference to high and low dividends. Manchester : Centr. coop, board 1887. (15) = [Coop, pamphlets, 16.] — Br 485 Tutt, R. H. The duty of a society to educate its members in the principles of cooperation. Man­chester: Centr. coop, board [188?.] (12) = [Coop, pamphlets, 10.] — Br 485 Weber, Anatole. Coopération et coopératives agricoles. = Weber: Introd. à l’étude de la prévoyance. 1911. (220—59) — Fr 851 Lakásügy. Telektulajdon Habitation. Propriété urbaine Wohnungswesen. Städtisches Grundeigentum Berlin. Statistisches Amt. Bautätigkeit und Woh­nungsmarkt, 1906—1908/9. Berlin : Puttkammer <& Mühlbrecht [1910.] (XXII, 38) 4° = Berlin. Statist. Amt. Mitteil. 2. — Beri q 37 Büsselberg, Wilh. Die Erschliessung von städtischem Baugelände. Berlin : Ebering 1910. (XVI, 190, 13 Taf.) -XVIII 1155 Clément, Henry. Habitations à bon marché et cais­ses d’épargne. Paris: Bloud 1911. (63) (Questions de sociologie.) — Fr 850 Congrès national des habitations ouvrières et des institutions de prévoyance. 1910— . Rapports et compte rendu des séances. Bruxelles 1910— .- Bg 175

