A Fővárosi Könyvtár értesítője 1911
1911 / 1. szám - A Fővárosi Könyvtár szerzeményei 1911. január-február havában
33 TÁRSADALMI kérdés 34 Szociográfia Munka és munkásosztály Conditions et question sociales — Travail. Classe ouvrière Soziale Zustandsschilderung — Arbeit u. Arbeiterklasse Berolzheimer, Fritz. Deutschland von heute. Berlin : Rothschild 1910. (XV, 444) - Nm 1693 Bourdeau, J. Entre deux servitudes. Paris : Alcan O 1910. (Vili, 342) - XVII 2268 Cherric, J. M. Our industrial system, its effect upon the wellbeing of the working classes, with appendix. = Indust r. remuneration conf. Report. 1885. (311—23) - XVII 1812 Ellwood, Ch. A. Sociology and modern social problems. New-York: Amer, book co. 1910. (331)- XVII 2292 Fitzpatrick, Thom. Observations on the social and sanitary state of labouring classes in Ireland. = Nat. assoc, f. the promotion of social science. Transactions. 1861. (504—09) — XVII 2049 Gonnard, René. Entre Drave et Save. Études économiques, politiques et sociales sur la Croatie- Slavonie. Paris: Larose & Tenin 1911. (XII, 262) (Biblioth. du Musée social.) — Mo XX 839 [Bibliographie: p. 261—62.) Harris, W. J. Do any remediable causes influence prejudicially the well-being of the working classes. = Industr. remuneration conf. Report 1885. (221—31) —XVII 1812 Harrison, Fred. Remedies for social distress. = Indust r. remuneration conf. Report 1885. (428—62) —XVII 1812 Hickey, W. On the social condition of the labouring population in Ireland. = Nat. assoc, f. the promotion of social science. Transactions. 1861. (608—13) — XVII 2M9 Houldsworth, W. H. The conditions of industrial prosperity. = Industr. remuneration conf. Report. 1885. (231-35) —XVII1812 Jones, Benj. Do any remediable causes influence prejudicially the well-being of the working classes, with appendices. = Industr. remuneration conf. Report. 1885, (265-304) —XVII 1812 Kropotkin, P[eter]. Landwirtschaft, Industrie und ©Handwerk, oder: die Vereinigung von Industrie und Landwirtschaft, geistiger und körperlicher Arbeit. [1898.] Übers, v. Gust. Landauer. 2. Aufl. Berlin : Renaissance-Verl. 1910. (VII, 275) — XVIII 1148 Sargant, Will. Lucas. Economy of the labouring classes. London : Simpkin, Marshall 1857. (XII, 491) — XVII 2236 Schäfer, Frdr. Arbeiterverhältnisse und soziale Fürsorge in Dresden. Dresden. Rat. Dresdens Entwicklung. 1910. (197—235) — III 1212 Spencer, Herbert. Social statics. [1850.] Abr. & rev. London : Watts 1910. (142) — XVII 2315 Taylor, Sedley: How far do remediable causes influence prejudicially the well-being of the working classes, with appendices. = Industr. remuneration conf. Report. 1885. (251-65) —XVII 1812 Keresztényszociálizmus Szociálkonzervativizmus Socialisme chrétien. Conservativisme social Christlicher Sozialismus. Sozialkonservativismus Ashton, John. Socialism and religion. London : Cath. truth soc. [1908.] (32) = Cath. truth soc. [Pamphlets, 3.) — XVII 2164 Belgium. Parti catholique belge et son oeuvre. ©25 années de gouvernement, 1884—1909. Bruxelles: Dewit [1910.] (XXIV, 119) 4» -Bg q 24 Catholic truth society. [Pamphlets. 1— .] London 1905 - . - XVII 2164 [1.1 D e v a s, Charles S. Socialism. 1905. (15) [2.] The catholic attitude on the education question. By the Archbishop of Westminster. 1905. (24) [3.1 Ashton John. Socialism and religion. [1908.) (32) |4.) M a r ti n d a 1 e, C. C. Study-clubs for working-men. [1909.] (24) 5. ) O a r r o 1 d, R. P. My catholic socialist again. 1909. (16) 6. ) Plater, Charles. Catholics and social study. 1909. (16) 7. ) The Board of education and catholic secondary schools. L1910.J (20) [8.] Belloc, Hilaire. The Ferrer case. [1910.] (16) [9.] Books for catholic social students. [1910.] (32) Deutsch, Jul. Dokumente der Schande. Beweise für den Verrat der deutschnationalen Arbeiterpartei. Wien: Brand 1910. (32) — Nm 1700 Devas, Charles S. Socialism. London : Cath. truth soc. 1905. (15) = Cath. truth soc. [Pamphlets, 1.] — XVII 2164 Erkelenz, Ant. Die freiheitlich-nationale Arbeiter- 0 bewegung. München : Buchh. Nat.Ver. 1910. (139) = Pol. Handbücherei, 1. — Nm 1698 Garrold, R. P. My catholic socialist again. London: Cath. truth soc. 1909. (16) = Cath. truth soc. [Pamphlets, 5.] — XVII 2164 Generalversammlung der Katholiken Deutschlands. Bericht über die Verhandlungen. 57— . 1910— . Augsburg 1910— . — Nm 1690 Le Rossignol, James Edw. & Will. Downie Ste- ©wart. State socialism in New Zealand. New York: Crowell 1910. (IX, 311) — Ausztr 39 Plater, Charles. Catholics and social study. London: Cath. truth soc. 1909. (16) == Cath. truth soc. [Pamphlets, 6] — XVII 2164 Schachner, Rob. Die soziale Frage in Australien ©und Neuseeland. Jena: Fischer 1911. (VI, 394) ===== Schachner: Australien in Politik, 2. — Ausztr 36 Serre, Jos. Les Sillons et l’Action française. Essai de conciliation et d’harmonie. Paris: Falque 1911. (67) — P Smith, Ad. The french workman’s party on the state management of capital and land. = Indust r. remuneration conf. Report. 1885. (473-81) — XVII 1812 Szociálizmus Socialisme — Sozialismus Barthélemy, Thom. Un communiste de 1840 : Ville- g a r d e 11 e. Thèse. Paris : Giard & Brière 1910.(64) —XVII 2281 Bourdeau, J. Les étapes de l’Internationale socialiste. (1900—10.) = Bourdeau: Éntre deux servitudes. 1910. (135—302) — XVII 2268 Bourdeau, J. Socialisme, syndicalisme, impérialisme. (1905—10.) Bourdeau: Entre deux servitudes. 1910. (65—134) — XVII 2268 Effertz, Otto : Analyse der sozialistischen Gesellschaft. [1889.] 2. verm. Aufl. Berlin : Puttkammer & Mühl brecht 1891. (XXIV, 127) = Effertz: Arbeit & Boden, 3. —XVIII 1036 3