A Fővárosi Könyvtár értesítője 1910
1910 / 1. szám - A Fővárosi Könyvtár szerzeményei az 1910. év I. negyedében
103 ÚJ SZERZEMÉNYEK 1910. I. NEGYED 104 Flagg, Charles Noel & Geo. A. Parker: What is a municipal art society? == Municipal art soc. Hartford. Publications,!. 1904. (17—24) — VIII 342 Municipal art society of Hartford, Conn. Competition for an electrolier to be combined with an „Isle of Safety“ at the intersection of Trumbull and Pearl streets. Hartford: Mun. art soc. 1908. (6) == Municipal art soc. Hartford. Publications, 10. — VIII 342 Municipal art society of Hartford, Conn. 0 Publications. No. 1— . Hartford 1904— . — VIII342 1. Officers, directors, standing committees, constitution, bylaws, and members. — Charles Noel Flagg & Geo. A. Parker: What is a municipal art society? 1904. (24) 2. 3. Why Laurel street should not be extended through Pope park. A protest. 1905. (8) 4. Proceedings of the annual meeting oct. 17,1905. — Will. F, Henney: Some municipal problems. 1906. (31) 5. Preservation and restoration of City Hall. 1906. (16) 6. 7. Carr ere, John M.: City improvement from the artistic standpoint. Address. 1908. (19) 8. Proceedings of the annual meeting jan. 25, 1908. Officers, members, reports of standing committees 1908. (24) 9. 10. Competition for an electrolier to be combined with an „Isle of Safety“ at the intersection of Trumbull and Pearl streets. 1908. (6) 11. Proceedings of the annual meeting nov. 13,1908. Officers, members, reports of committees. Unnecessary noises, the housing question, the billboard campaign. 1909. (46) 12. Street name plates. An investigation by the Committee on street fixtures and advertising signs. 1909. (33) Municipal art society of Hartford, Conn. Officiers, directors, standing committees, constitution, by-laws, and members. == Municipal art soc. Hartford. Publications, 1. 1904. (3-16) —VIII 342 Municipal art society of Hartford, Conn. Proceedings of the annual meeting 1905— . Hartford: Mun. art soc. 1906— . = Municipal art soc. Hartford. Publications, 4. 8. 11. — V111342 Municipal art society of Hartford, Conn. Why Laurel street should not be extended trough Pope park. A protest. Hartford: Mun. art soc. 1905. (8) = Municipal art soc. Hartford. Publications, 3. — VIII 342 Municipal art society of Hartford, Conn. Preservation and restoration of City Hall. Hartford: Mun. art soc. 1906. (16) == Municipal art soc. Hartford. Publications, 5. — VIII 342 Municipal art society of Hartford, Conn. Street name plates. An investigation by the Committee on street fixtures and advertising signs. Hartford: Mun. art soc. 1909. (33) = Municipal art soc. Hartford. Publications, 12. — VIII 342 Nagybritannia. Törvények, rendeletek. 1909. Housing and town planning act. Full text and schedules. Introd. by John Burns. London: Daily chronicle 1909. (33) — IV 338 Scheibe, Werner: Die baugeschichtliche Entwicklung von Kamenz. Diss. Görlitz: Tzschaschel 1909.(93) — III 1111 Schultze-Naumburg, Paul: Städtebau. [1906.] . verm. Aufl. München : Callwey 1909. (481) (Schultze- Naumburg : Kulturarbeiten, 4.) — XX 799 Siegfried, Jules & Eug. Hénard: Les espaces libres á Paris. Les fortifications remplacées par une ceinture de pares. Paris: Rousseau 1009. (73—89) (Musée social. Mémoires & documents, 4.) — V 439 Salomon, Herrn.: Die hygienischen Vorbedingungen für die Ortsansiedelungen. Berlin: Ernst 1910. (23) = Städtebauliche Vorträge, 3.3. —XX 593 Triggs, H. Inigo: The art of garden design in Italy. 111. by Aubrey L e Blond. London: Longmans, Green 1906. (XII, 135,128 plates) 2? — Ol f 1 Veiller, Lawrence: The essential principles of a building code. = Proceedings of the conference for good city government. 1909. (196—204) — VIII 106 Voigt, Andreas: Wie um die Bauordnung gekämpft wird. Berlin: Reuschel 1909. (88) — XX 807 Werner, Herrn.: Gedanken über die Stadtbauplangestaltung in der Umgebung des neuen Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhofs. Stuttgart: Wittwer 1910. (32) — III 1106 Willis, V. Addington: Housing and town planning Oin Great Britain being a statement of the statutory provisions rel. to the housing of the working classes and to town planning, including the housing, town planning, etc., act, 1909. London : Butterworth 1910. (XXIX, 201) — Br 539 V Zalud, Jos.: Die Bauordnung für das Königreich Böhmen samt den ergänzenden Gesetzen und Verordnungen insbes. betr. die Regelung der konzessionierten Baugewerbe. Kommentiert und mit der gesamten Judikatur des Verwaltungsgerichtshofes bis. Sept. 1909. 4. gänzl. umgearb. & verm. Aufl. Prag: Hofer & Klouéek 1910. (XXXII, 927) — II 137 Csatornázás. Folyamrendészet. Vízvezeték Canalisation. Police et distribution des eaux Kanalisation. Wasserpolizei. Wasserversorgung Besant, Walter: Sewage in London. = Besant: London in the 19th century. 1905. (329—39) — IV 336 Besant, Walter: The water-supply of London. = Besant: London in the 19th century. 1909. (347—74) — IV 336 Bureau of municipal research, New York. Collecting water revenues. Methods of the Bureau of water register, Manhattan with suggestions for reorganization. New York : Bur. of mun. research 1909. (223) = Bureau of mun. research. [Reports, 17.1- VIII 234 Forbáth [Imre], Emerich: Entwurf für die Wasserversorgung und Kanalisation der Stadt Roustchouk in Bulgarien. Leipzig: Leineweber 1909. (14) 4° (Aus: Zeitschr. f. Krankenanstalten.) — VII q 88 Forbáth Imre, [Emerich]: Die Kanalisation und Abwasserreinigungsanlage der kgl. Freistadt Nagyszeben in Ungarn. München: Oldenbourg 1909. (18) 4° (Aus: Gesundheits-Ingenieur.) 1 q 191 Forbáth [Imre], Emerich: Die Kanalisation der kgl. Freistadt Brassó (Kronstadt) in Ungarn. München : Oldenbourg 1910. (9) 4° (Aus: Gesundheits- Ingenieur.) — I q 192 Manchester. Rivers department. Annual report. 1908/9- . Manchester 1909— . — IV 358