A Fővárosi Könyvtár értesítője 1907

1907 / 3-4. szám - A fővárosi könyvtár jelentékenyebb szerzeményei az 1907. év II. és III. negyedében

109 Die Gross'stadt. Vorträge und Aufsätze zur Städte­ausstellung von K. Bücher, J. Ratzel, G. von Mayr, [etc.] Dresden : Zahn & Jaensch 1903. (Jahrbuch d. Gelle-Stiftung Bd. 9.) [XX 479 Proceedings of the incorporated association of municipal and county engineers. Vol. 32, 1905—1906. Ed. by Thomas Co 1 e. London: Spon 1906. LXII1 470) _ [Br 280 Municipal government. History and politics. Baltimore 1887. (559) [Am. 3,9 (John Hopkins university studies. Vol. 5.) Jenks, Edward: An outline of english local govern­ment. [1894.] 2. and rev. ed. by R. C. K.Ensor. London : Methuen & Co. [1907.] (239) [IV 148 Macmorran, Alex: The local government act, 1894, and the subsequent statutes affecting parish coun­cils and an appendix of the election and other orders and official documents issued by the local government board. With notes. [1894.] 4. ed. by A. M. and T. R. Colquhoun Dill. London 1907. (XXVIII. 540, 85) [Br 255 Dolman, Frederick: Municipalities at work. The municipal policy of six great towns and its in­fluence on their social welfare. Introd. by John Hut­ton. London 1895. (X, 142, 82) [IV 91 Odgers, William Blake: Local governement. [1899.] 2. ed. By B. O. W. and Edward James N a 1- drett. London: Macmillan & Co. 1907. (X. 393) [Br 285 Bowman, Harold Martin: The administration of Iowa. A study in centralization. New-York: The Columbia Univ. press 1903. (224) [Am 382 (Studies in history, economics, and public law.)* Handbook on the municipal enterprises. Glasgow 1904. (147) [IV 125 (The Corporation ot the City of Glasgow.) Steffens, Lincoln: The shame of the cities. London 1904. (306) [VIII 124 Vorschriften, ortspolizeiliche, und örtliche Satzun­gen der Stadt Nürnberg. Nürnberg: Stadtmagistrat 1904. (XXV, 573) [III 588 Whitehouse, John Howard: Problems of a Scottish provincial town. London 1905. (143) [IV 121 Baer, Paul: Les institutions municipales de Moulins sous Fanden régime. Paris 1906. (505) [V 220 Bréjean, Jules: Les mairies de Paris. Organisation, attribution, fonctionnement. Par J. B. et Joseph Humblot. Paris: Marchal et Billard 1906. (289) [V 254 Haines, Elijah M.: A compilation of the laws of Illinois relating to township organisation and management of county affairs with numerous forms and notes of instruction. With appendix. 25. ed. rev. Chicago : The Legal Adviser Publ. Co. 1906. (638) [Am 376 Meyer, Hugo Richard : Municipal ownership in Great Britain. New-York 1906. (XII, 340) [Br 226 Seckerson, Frederick C.: Manual of civics. A text book of municipal government for the city of New- York ; with an exposition of the principles of government in New-York State and the United States. New-York : The Chief Publ. Co. 1906. (320) (Written for the Chief.) [VIII 131 Thornton, W. W.: The law governing cities and towns in the State of Indiana including all statutes of the State appertaining to cities and towns thoroughly annotated with complete forms of procedure. 4. ed. Cincinnati: Andersen Co. 1906. (XXX, 930) [VIII 128 Dykes, Oswald : Scottish local government. Lectures on the organisation and functions of local bodies. Edinburgh : Anderson Ferner 1907. (160) [IV 144 Gomme, George Laurence: The governance of London. Studies on the place occupied by London in english institutions. London: T. Fisher Unwin 1907. (XII, 418) [IV 147 Heart, the-, of the Empire. Discussions of problems of modern city life in England. With an essay on imperialism. 2. ed. 3. impress. London : T. Fisher Unwin 1907. (XX, 417) [IV 129 Legrand, Max: Code Municipal. Loi du 5 avril 1884. Texte et commentaire. Paris : Larousse 1907. (183) (Bibi. Larousse.) [V 255 Müller, Georg: Königsberger Bürger-Buch. Samm­lung von Polizei-Verordnungen, Ortsstatuten und Regulativen für die Stadt Königsberg, i. Pr. T. 1. Königsberg i. Pr. 1907. 1 Bd. [III 485 Nagy Ferenc: Az új városi törvény. Bp. 1907. (52) [I 447 Poupardin, René: Les institutions politiques et administratives des principautés Lombardes de ritalie méridionale. (9e á 1D siécles.) Paris: H. Champion 1907. (VII, 184) [VI 141 Ramel!i, Auguste: Des attributions de la commune en matiére civile et commercial. Paris : A. Rousseau 1907. (126) [IV 386 Stauracz, Franz: Karl Lueger. 10 Jahre Bürger­meister. Wien 1907. (VIII, 283) [Bécs 156 Richter, Anton : Anleitung zur Einführung der neuen Geschäftsordnung für Bürgermeisterämter. Von A. R. und Anton Traenka. Hrsg, von Maximilian Jordan. Oberhollabrun 1906. (24,24 Anlagen) 4° [III q 208 Közmunkák Des Cilleuls, Alfred : Origines et développement du régime des travaux publics en France. Paris : Impr. Nat. 1895. (XXVI, 305) [Fr 343 Mo de les, plans et dessins de travaux publics ä l’exposition universelle internationale de 1900 á Paris. Rapport du comité d’installation. Saint-Cloud, impr. Belin Fr. [1901.] (202) 4» • [XX 486 (Musée rétrospectif de la classe 29.) Beierlein, A.: Das neue badische Verdingungswesen. Die Vergebung von Hoch- und Tiefbauarbeiten in allen Zweigen der Staats- u. Staatsanstaltenver­waltung. Emmendingen 1907. (66) [Bd 35 Submissionswesen. Die Regelung der Vergebung öffentlicher Lieferungen. Hrsg. v. Bureau des Industrierates im k. k. Handels­ministerium. Wien : Manz 1907. (80) [Au 916 =— Verhandl. u. Beschlüsse d. Industrierates 15. Közvilágítás Mistral, Henri: Étude sur les distributions d’énergie électrique. Paris: A. Rousseau 1907. (135) [Fr409 Heuffel Adolf: Jelentés Budapest székesfőváros tekintetes Tanácsához, a légszeszüzemnek házi kezelésbe vétele és a létesítendő fővárosi gázgyár kérdésében. Bp. Háziny. 1907. (91) 2° [Bp q 595 Millionen!, begrabene. — 20 Capitel zur Geschichte der Wiener Gasfrage von V. N. Md. Wien. 1899. (48) [Bécs 161 Erkölcsrendészet. Fiaux, Louis: La police des moeurs devant la commission extra-parlementaire; du régime des moeurs. T. 1—2. Paris : F. Alcan 1907. 2 vol. [Fr 392

