Evangéliumi Hírnök, 2004 (96. évfolyam, 1-3. szám)
2004-01-01 / 1. szám
HYMNS AND PROFESSIONS January, 2004_____________________________________fwSST i i. ■ ^7____________________________________________Page 9. The Dentist’s Hymn: Crown Him With Many Crowns The Weatherman’s Hymn: There Shall Be Showers of Blessing The Contractor’s Hymn: The Church 's One Foundation The Tailor’s Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy The Golfer’s Hymn: There is A Green Hill Far Away The Politician’s Hymn: Standing on the Promises The Optometrist’s Hymn: Open My Eyes That I Might See The IRS Agent’s Hymn: / Surrender All The Gossip’s Hymn: Pass It On The Electrician’s Hymn: Send the Light The Shopper’s Hymn: Sweet By and By The Realtor’s Hymn: I 've Got A Mansion Just Over the Hilltop The Pilot’s Hymn: Fll Fly Away The Paramedic’s Hymn: Revive Us Again The Judge’s Hymn: Almost Persuaded The Psychiatrist’s Hymn: Just A Little Talk With Jesus The Architect’s Hymn: /low Firm A Foundation IT IS NO SECRET Back in the 50’s there was a well known radio host/comedian/song writer in Hollywood named Russ Hamblin who was noted for his drinking, womanizing, partying, etc. One of his bigger hits at the time was “I won’t go hunting with you Jake, but I’ll go chasing women”. And along came a young preacher holding a tent revival. Hamblin had him on his radio show, presumably to poke fun at him. And to gather more material, Hamblin showed up at one of the revival meetings. Early in the service the preacher announced, “There is one man in this audience who is a big fake.” There were probably others who thought the same thing, but Hamblin was convinced that he was the one the preacher was talking about (some would call that conviction), but he was having none of that. Still the words continued to haunt him until a couple of nights later he showed up drunk at the preacher’s hotel door around 2 am. Demanding that the preacher pray for him. But the preacher refused, saying, “This is between you and God and I’m not going to get in the middle of it.” But he did invite Russ in and they talked until about 5 am at which point Russ dropped to his knees and with tears, cried out to God. But that is not the end of the story. Russ quit drinking, quit chasing, quit everything that was “fun”. And began to lose favor with the Hollywood crowd. He was ultimately fired by the radio station when he refused to accept a beer company as a sponsor. Hard times were upon him. He tried writing a couple of “Christian” songs but the only one that had much success was “This Old House”, written for his friend Rosemary Clooney. As he continued to struggle, an old friend named John took him aside and told him all your troubles started when you “got religion” and asked if it was worth it all. Russ answered simply,"Yes". Then his friend said, “You liked your booze so much. Don’t you ever miss it?” And the answer was, “No”. John then said, “I don’t understand how you could give it up so easily.” And Russ’s response was, “It’s no big secret. All things are possible with God.’ To this John said, “That’s a catchy phrase. You should write a song about it.” And as they say, the rest is history. The song Russ wrote was It Is No Secret - It is no secret, what God can do. What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you. With arms wide open, He ’ll welcome you. It is no secret, what God can do. etc... By the way, the friend was John Wayne, and the young preacher who refused to pray for Russ Hamblin was Billy Graham. And now you know “the rest of the story.” “God Speaks” billboards (directions) Do you have any idea where you’re going? -God Will the road you’re on get you to my place? -God My way is the highway. -God Need directions? -God Follow me. -God Let’s meet at my house Sunday before the game. -God KRAHLING JÁNOSNÉ 1923-2003 Krahling Jánosné, született Fésűs Rózsika 1923. július 23-án született Hajdúbörményben, Magyarországon. A helyi baptista gyülekezet hűséges tagja volt. Házasságot kötött Krahling Jánossal, majd Budapestre költöztek. Az 1956-os forradalom idején nyugatra menekültek. Az Egyesült Államokban először Tampa, Floridában éltek, majd onnan St. Louisba, Missouriba költöztek. Mivel ott magyar baptista gyülekezet nincsen, csak az Evangéliumi Hírnök útján tartottak kapcsolatot a magyar misszióval, amit egyébként mindig szívükön viseltek, sőt támogattak is, férjével együtt. Életének nyolcvanadik esztendejében, négy évi betegség után, november 15-én halt meg, Betegségében lánya, Rózsa Allen gondozta. Gyászolják: férje, lányai: Rózsa és Erzsébet, unokái, a magyarországi Fésűs család és a kiterjedt rokonság. Rózsa Allen és Fésűs Attiláné Túrmezei Erzsébet: MÉGIS Milyen sokat kellene hinnem, s mily keveset hiszek. Milyen keveset kellene vinnem, s mennyi terhet viszek. Egyedül Rá kellene néznem, s magamra révedek. Ragyog a cél, viharban, vészben, s hányszor eltévedek. Mégis... elcsüggedjek, megállják? Miért csüggedjek el? Hisz oly keveset hiszek még, s már ez is fölemel. Mint minden én nyomorúságom, nagyobb a kegyelem. Ebben hiszek, s szemem bűnbánón megint ráemelem. Kis hitet, hogy megerősítsen, míg többről többre nő, s egész a célig elsegítsen: hatalmas Isten O AZ ÚTRÓL Számtalan út kínálja magát, követőt csalogatva. Tétova léptekkel meg-megállva megyünk. Mondani mit tudsz? Szólj én jó testvérem az útról! Indulj, vissza se nézz! Jézus Krisztus az út. Herjeczki Géza (1974)