Evangéliumi Hírnök, 2003 (95. évfolyam, 1-11. szám)
2003-01-01 / 1. szám
Page 8. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, KIPLING, SASKATCHEWAN THE HISTORY OF THE CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Many people from Hungary settled in the Bekevar District in the early 1900’s among this group were settlers who were from Baptist churches in Hungary. They met in homes for singing and devotions. This area is seven miles from the town of Kipling. In 1911 the church was organized by four devoted families. With only a few members the first church was built... This building was only 14 by 20 feet in size. The group was led by John 0. Kovach. In response to a request to the Baptist Union of Western Canada, John Monus came to be the first missionary pastor. Rev.Monus served from 1912 until 1925. As the congregation increased the meeting-house was enlarged three times. In 1915 the larger church was built and again enlarged in 1918. In 1925 Rev. William Tatter from Chicago took up the work for 13 years. The work continued through difficult times during the depression. During the early years there were annual conventions held in the three Hungarian churches. The conventions altered each year to Leask, Wakaw, and Kipling. The pioneer spirit was evident in those years as neighbors helped each other. The neighboring church along Highway 16 was the Bekevar Presbyterian Church. On some occasions the two churches had joint meetings. It is interesting to read a report about an article in the Hungarian Paper from Winnipeg. This was in the Special Jubilee edition: In July 1925. The Bekevar Colony celebrated its 25th Anniversary. The festival lastedfor three days and was remarkable in that on Sunday, the Reformed, Presbyterian and Baptist churches held a combined service in a large tent. Many visitors came. On Monday there were speeches from members of the Sask Government. The Bekevar Hungarian Baptist Ladies Aid was organized in 1920. The ladies were an active group in the work of the church and missions. Money was sent to help orphans and needy ones in Hungary. In 1961 the title, Ladies Aid was changed to Ladies Mission Circle. The church has always been involved in mission projects including Canadian Baptist Overseas missions. The CHOIR was organized in the early years and continued to serve through all the years. Also a brass band was started in the 20 ’ s and performed for a number of years. Music Ministry has had an important part in the life of the church. In later years we had a string orchestra. The Young People's group was started by George Balia and also Mrs. Mentő led the group with choir practises. In later years when it was re-organized. we had Bible Study, programs, socials, with meetings at church and in homes. From 1938 to 1940 laymen carried on the work. Rev. George Balia came to help out during the summer months. In 1940. Rev. Gabriel Mentő came to carry on the work. He served for 7 years. The old church was dismantled and a new one built in 1947. The name was changed from Bekevar Baptist to Calvary Baptist. In 1948 Elek Basky from Leask accepted a position in Kipling School. He was asked to be Lay Pastor, in which position he continued for 5 years. Mr. Basky re-organized the Young People’s group and also led the choir. In 1953 Rev. Elmer Dekany accepted a call and was Pastor for 8 years. The church building was moved in 1959 from the country to Kipling to its present site on Third Street. In 1223. the church building was changed with a new en_________________________January, 2003 trance addition. Then in 1990 the front of the sanctuary was remodelled. In 1961 a change was made from Hungarian to English worship Services. Rev. Bruce Haskins came in 1961 and was pastor till 1968. In 1969 Rev. Jacob Rabuka accepted a call and served as pastor of the church for 13 years. English services were held in the mornings and Hungarian in the afternoon or evening. Rev. Monus, the first pastor of the church came once a month to take the service in Hungarian from 1961 to 1971. During the summer months from 1971 to 1973 Rev. Revesz from California took services Sunday evenings. As an outreach to Hungarian folks who could not understand the English messages in 1974. Rev. and Mrs. Ilonka from Romania were sponsored by the church and they continued with Sunday evening services till 1975. In 1978. Rev. & Mrs. Lajos Oláh from Hungary continued with the Hungarian work. Rev. Olah served here for 10 years. They had an important outreach to the Hungarian speaking people as well as others in the community. From 1971 until 1988 our English and our Hungarian pastors worked together, with English service in the morning and Hungarian in the afternoon. After Rev. Rabuka left in 1982, Pastor Paul Hay came and served until 1985. Pastor Audrey Kemp from Broadview was our pastor for one year. After a few months of Pulpit Supply Richard Barta from Moosomin accepted a call from the church in 1987. Rev. Barta was ordained in 1991 and is our pastor at the present time. Pastor Richard & Doris are continuing with serving the church for which we are very grateful. Although the services are in English, Pastor Richard also understands Hungarian and has a good re-CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 1947 - 1959 (in the country)