Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1993 (85. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1993-03-01 / 3. szám

1993. március 3. oldal Levelet kaptunk — Vadász Jánostól Sokat gondolunk az amerikai magyar testvérekre és reátok. Jó volt találkozni a nyáron Kish Ernő testvérrel, már-már las­san azt hisszük, hogy elfelejtettetek min­ket. Azt hiszem, ennek az az alapja, hogy ha nem írok, nem válaszoltok. Magunkról csak annyit, hogy jól va­gyunk. A munka, a feladat rengeteg és imádkozzatok értünk, kérünk, hogy az Úr adjon testi-lelki erőt, egészséget a fel­adatokat elvégezni. Mellékelve küldök egy NEWS LET­­TER-t, ha lehet közöld az Evangéliumi Hírnökben. Szeretettel, János és Mártha Vadász * Dear Family and Friends, „ The harvest truly is plentiful but the la­borers are few. Pray, therefore, the Lord of the Harvest will send out laborers to the harvest. "(Matt. 9:37-38). We are constantly praying for help and we know that God will take notice of our prayers. We are so thankful to the Lord because He gives us physical and spiritual health to carry on day to day! HIGHLIGHTS! Baptisms: Since our last baptismal ser­vice (July 7, 1991), we had one on Easter Sunday in 1992 where we saw five precious people baptized. In July 1992 we had an­other baptismal service. One young man who accepted the Lord Jesus Christ while in prison and was baptized during the Easter service. Some of my friends had a lot of reservations about baptizing some­one who was just released from the jail, but Joe really changed his way of life and committed himself to the Lord. A few months ago, during one of our visits to the jail, he gave testimony to his former fellow inmates and now there is another young man who has accepted Christ and wants to be baptized upon his release from prison in a few weeks. That’s the way it should work, right? Praise God! Revival. We have just concluded our fall revival. The young people, with the leadership of one of our laymen, were the vehicle of preparation for a great revival! In the three days of revival services, we saw more than twenty decisions made for Christ! Pray for these people that they will follow Jesus all of their lives and will become faithful members of His church. During these services, the church had overflowing crowds in attendance. Our fel­lowship hall was used as overflow, and there people could watch the service on closed-circuit television. The baptismal service and the sermon on Sunday night, Nov. 15, 1992, were the crowning event of the whole revival time. Praise God! He answered our prayers and we give all the glory to Him, with thanksgiving in our hearts! Prison Ministry. Our church’s prison ministry is one of the new fields which we have started in the last year. I am taking two young men with me to these services in the prisons, and I hope that they will continue this ministry after we have to leave this church. (Next September we will take a short vacation in the U.S.A. and then hope to return to serve in another area in Hungary.) I am so thankful to our Lord that I can visit any prison in Hungary with the au­thorities’ permission. The prison’s hospital, which we visit regularly, was without reli­gious services for the past forty years. Many of the inmates have no friends, no family members, no visitors from outside, nor do they have any place to go when they are released from prison. A new Prison Ministry Association has been formed from the Christian religious groups here in Hungary for the purpose of taking the Good News into the prisons... something which was forbidden under the former Communist regime since 1945. Currently, there are no prison chaplains in Hungary at all. This field is wide open. This ministry is difficult, but at the last judgement we are going to be questioned about this ministry from our Lord: „I was sick and in prison and you visited me not. ” (Matt. 25:43). Youth and Student Ministries. The youth group is very active in our church. Szeged is the most important educational center in the South-East comer of Hun­gary, and has a large population of uni­versity students from all over Hungary, from the former Hungarian territories (which were taken away from Hungary after the first world war). Many of the students come to our church on weekdays, but go to their home towns on the week­ends. The midweek youth Bible study is a good way to teach the Bible and lead these students to Christ. Potential International Baptist Church. We have many foreign students from other parts of the world also, and most of them speak English. We could have started an International Baptist Church in Szeged for English speaking people, similar to the one in Budapest, if we could just get the personnel and financial resources for it. Please pray for this future ministry. Thanksgiving in the Hungarian Baptist Churches. In Hungary, Thanksgiving day is not an official “holy day”, but we cele­brate a day of thanksgiving in our chur­ches from the first Sunday of September until the last Sunday in November. From the District Center Church in Szeged, our choir and youth group go to the smaller communities’ mission churches. There are five of them in which we are serving with laymen from our church. On these thanks­giving days: special tables are decorated with fruits and vegetables to show some of our Lord’s blessings; we hear testimo­nies, poems & songs about God’s out­standing care of us; and we give special mission offerings. Prayer concerns. Pray for: 1. Those who have made decisions for Christ. 2. More adult Bible study groups to be organized. 3. The establishing of an International Baptist Church in Szeged. 4. Revival to come to the small village churches which we are serving. 5. More Hungarian Baptists to hear and respond to the call of God to serve as full time ministers and youth ministers. Currently in Hungary there are 14 churches with 50-200 members which are without a pastor. More ministers are re­tiring or dying than are being graduated from the Seminary. 6. The start of a hospital ministry with worship services. 7. God to bring to the Szeged Church the God-lead & dedicated pastor needed to lead the church after our departure. (We are in a shorttime assignment (I.S.C.) in Hungary. We have to go back to the U.S.A. in September of 93.) 8. Our future service. The Hungarian Baptists want us to return and serve until we retire in 1997, but we don’t know how the new leadership in the Foreign Mission Board will handle this. Pray for us and the others who are involved that we may all find and do God’s will in this decision. John and Martha Hunter Az esküvésről Ismét hallottátok, hogy megmondatott a ré­gieknek: Hamisan ne esküdjél, hanem teljesítsd az Úrnak tett esküidet. Én pedig azt mondom nektek: egyáltalán ne esküdjetek; se az égre, mert az az Isten királyi széke; se a földre, mert az az ő lábainak zsámo­lya; se Jeruzsálemre, mert a nagy Király váro­sa; Se a fejedre ne esküdjél, mert nem tudsz egy hajszálat fehérré vagy feketévé tenni. Hanem legyen a ti beszédetek: Igen, igen; nem, nem; ami pedig ezeken felül van, a go­nosztól van.

