Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1992 (84. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1992-02-01 / 2. szám
1992. február hó feaiumtWrn^ 11. oldal nDecember at Bethesda "And ye, beneath life's crushing load, whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way, with painful steps and slow, Look now! for glad and golden hours come swiftly on the wing; O rest beside the weary road, and hear the angels sing. ” (Third verse — It Came Upon the Midnight Clear) As the holidays gradually blossom, many of our residents who have outlived family seem to bend a little lower beneath life’s load. When the children make their appearance and bring the joyous Christmas story, the burden is lifted and smiles replace gloomy faces. We are so thankful the Lord allows the “little ones” to minister to our dwellers. As in past years, the Cub Scouts, Brownie Troups, Pre-schoolers have played a major role in bringing much joy to our elderly. Also, The Salvation Army Team distributed colorful sacks of useful personal items, a door decoration, assorted Christmas/All Occasion greeting cards. Mrs. Jean Robinson, former Social Services Worker, visited with our people and staff. Assisted by threeyear old daughter Beth, they distributed sachet hearts to employees and homebaked cookies and brownies to our residents. Many church choirs, hand bell choirs, The Skylarks (Patrick Air Force Base women’s choir) and individual volunteers warmed their hearts and spread cheer to all in attendance. Another delightful first: Twenty Three of our residents were invited out on Christmas Day. This was a positive sign that many families are taking more time with their loved ones. They return to Bethesda with so many wonderful accounts of their day out. The Christmas Eve Vesper Service jointly attended by The Bethesda residents and church friends was a delightful gathering. It is always so good to visit with old friends and add to our friendships, new acquaintances. There was a time of carolling and reflecting upon the true meaning of Christmas in our individual lives. To the pleasure of all, Miss Elizabeth Strobel, 9 year old daughter of Pam Strobel (one of our housekeepers) sang “Away in the Manger” as she cradled her own favorite doll. Her song focused on the tender moment of the birth of Jesus Christ which channeled our thoughts to our personal commitment to Him in love and sharing. The Bethesda Choir sang and after a timely message of the simplicity of the Good News, Pastor Barton Brown led the group in “Silent Night” accompanied on his guitar. The program was closed in prayer and everyone joined in singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”. Fresh fruit baskets decorated the festive dining room tables and delicious homemade pastries, cakes, cookies were creatively displayed. A special thanks to our hostesses: Gabriella Dudics, Maria Simon, Linda Williams, Esther Baker assisted the Christmas Eve Vesper Service KEEN-ÄGERS First Baptist Churj FLORIDA CHILDREN'S HOME AOSTEORS FLORIDA CHILDREN'S HOME VISI TORS fffft«,/ ,RP 1 f| i a II r S3 ftp t $ 1 | g J^ T * , ms -