Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1989 (81. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1989-01-01 / 1. szám

6. oldal * Es—^-f—3 1989. január 1. and entertained with delightful singing j and recitations. Also this month, the ; Palm Bay Colony Entertainers discovered ! our talented residents and staff and includ­ed them in some of their musical skits. To end this month, the American Legion of Palm Bay performed some comedy sketches and surprised our people with I homemade goodies and party favors. The network of volunteers who come through our doors number over seventy and they bring many smiles and heartwarming moments to reflect upon. They also go forth and promote Bethesda and its min­istry. We are grateful to them in many ways. As we trust the Lord to supply the needs at Bethesda, so we, in turn, pray God’s richest blessings upon you one and all with His love and mercies which are fresh everyday. Ernest Cziraky * Administrator October Contributions Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kish, Palm Bay, FL .................................$ 30.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cziraky, Palm Bay, FL ................................. 50.00 Rose Newman, Palm Bay, FL .......... 25.00 Bethesda Baptist Church, Palm Bay, FL ................................. 150.00 Ruth Kish, Palm Bay, FL ................ 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Biro, Palm Bay, FL ................................. 25.00 Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, CT ............................... 179.85 Bethesda Baptist Ladies Aid ............ 100.00 Dr. and Mrs. Louis Kali, Palm Bay, FL ................................. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Haydn, LaGrange, OH ............................... 100.00 American-Hungarian Baptist Women’s Union ............................. 500.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Fekete, Winter Haven, FL ............................. 10.00 In loving memory of Frank Schaffer Mrs. Elizabeth Schaffer ..................... 500.00 In loving memory of Amelia Lawrence Hungarian Baptist Church, New York, NY ............................... 200.00 Mortgage reduction fund Hungarian Baptist Church, New York, NY ............................... 100.00 Grand Total: $1,989.85 * * Az idő Isten rendeléséből vigasz a boldogtalanoknak. Joseph Joubert * A valóban megtért ember teljesen az Űré, lelke, szelleme, teste és Isten minden törvényét tiszteletben tartja. Robert Butler Amelia Lawrence Dec. 2,1894 - Sep. 6, 1988 Amelia Lawrence was born and raised in the industrial city of Győr, NW Hungary. She was sixteen years of age when her parents emigrated to America and made their home near Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Although they hailed from a traditionally Epis­copal city, they themselves were Ro­man Catholics. Young Amelia pro­bably wasn’t terribly impressed about the new country for she didn’t see much difference between her native Győr and her adopted city of Bethle­hem, because both cities have about the same population and both cities are Industrial centers of their respec­tive regions. But something did im­press her about this new country, she discovered a handsome young man, Julius Lawrence (Gyula Lőrincz in Hungarian), who introduced her to the Lord Jesus in a very personal way. The couple were soon to wed and in 1929 they moved to New York City and joined the Hungarian Baptist Church. The family first lived on the West Side of Manhattan, then moved to Astoria, and later to Bayside, only to move again some years later to Teaneck, New Jersey. The couple had five children, Charles, Charlotte, Mary, Helen, and Julius (now deceas­ed). Amelia must have experienced the greatest loss of her life when her husband, Julius Lawrence, suddenly died in 1955. Amelia never remarried after that and remained a widow for over 33 years. Although Amelia was a very quiet person, she was very impressive in welcoming people to her home church. She had a charming persona­lity and was able to disarm everyone with her kind words and frequent smile. Everyone knew about her great story telling abilities and were looking forward to each new episode. Her main story line was about a man or a woman as they heard the word of God and were saved. These heroes or heroines were always from a small town of Hungary and destined to join a church and work for the Lord. One could almost feel that with each new story Amelia was reliving her own life struggle and eventual decision to accept and follow the Lord. She very much liked happy endings, and her own life was no exception! Even when age prevented her to attend the church, she was strengthening her prayer wings by bringing everyone to the throne of God in prayer. Her pride and joy were her 4 living chil­dren, the 9 grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchildren. She loved them all and in return she was loved by all! On September 6, 1988 the Lord called home His faithful servant, and Amelia left this world as quietly as she came. At her wake, on September 8, the Rev. Sándor Kulcsár, Pastor of the NYC Hungarian Baptist Church, spoke to members of the family and the many friends who gathered toge­ther at O. J. Olthus Funeral Home, in Midland Park, NJ. The following day a memorial service was held in Valley Bible Church, Washington, NJ. The Service was led, based on Psalm 103, by Mr. John Molnár, Elder of the church, and son-in-law of Mrs. Law­rence. Other comments were provided by Rev. Arnold Ray, former Director of The New York Gospel Mission to the Jews, Inc., and Mr. Barnabas J. Halo, Elder of the Hungarian Baptist Church. One of the highlights of the event was the beautiful solo rendering of “That Will Be Glory For Me,” by Mrs. Jenine Galancamp, friend of the family, accompanied by Mr. Ted Cornel, official pianist of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and grandson of our departed Sister. Comforting words were spoken at George Washington Memorial Park gravesite by the Rev. Sándor Kulcsár,

