Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1989 (81. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)
1989-02-15 / 4. szám
1989. február 15. 5. oldal December at Bethesda From the very first day of December, as our concentrated thoughts turned to God’s Love Gift to the world and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, it has been a most uplifting, colorful and variety-packed month. With the assistance of some residents and staff, Mrs. John Fodi (a Quebec tourist) planted three dozen poinsettias and chrysanthemums to begin a “mini” beautification program around the grounds. We are fortunate to have as a resident, Mr. Domenic Mandarino (a farmer from the days of his youth in Italy) who enjoys maintaining the plants, bushes and sprinkles when needed and as the Lord gives him strength. The activities have been filled with the message of God’s wonderful story of love — unmerited, everlasting, steadfast and abounding. Dr. Louis Kali’s Friday Bible Studies have helped our residents through this most difficult time of the year as they are separated from family and loved ones. The “Sweet Adelines” dressed in bright green and white gowns touched the hearts of our people with their songs of spiritual exaltation. Their rendition of The Lord’s Prayer was most beautiful. The Home was filled to overflowing with the presence of His love through music rendered by the First Baptist Church Saints Alive Choir & Quartet, The Palm Bay United Methodist Youth Choir, The Palm Bay Police Department Chorus, The Peace Lutheran Pre-School Children and their Youth Choir led by Rev. C. Schmitz, The Salvation Army Choir, & The St. Joseph Children. The Peace Lutheran Church hosted 34 of our residents and staff to a Christmas Banquet and everyone present received a cup of candy and package of cookies. As in past years, the Palm Bay JC’s, complete with Santa Claus, surprised our dwellers with refreshments and individual gifts and The Salvation Army friends filled each resident’s Christmas Stocking with useful grooming and make-up supplies. When 1 started to enumerate the number of volunteers and guests who willingly gave of their time and talents just this month, I counted over two hundred. We are most grateful to all who take the time to visit. We pray each person will inwardly feel rewarded for the time spent at Bethesda. One of the highlights of this month was the Vesper Service attended by 73 residents, their families and church affiliated members and friends. Mrs. Rose Newman presented Bethesda with a beautiful crewel green and white Christmas tree work of art. Its facsimile was photocopied and became the cover of our Vesper Service program. Mrs. Ethel Kish recited a poem covering “The Night Before Christmas Two Thousand Years Ago”, The Bethesda Church Choir sang „Angels From the Realms of Glory” and „Lejött a Messiás” accompanied by Mrs. Betty Lehotsky from Allentown, PA. Mrs. Lehotsky is visiting with her mother, Elizabeth Balia, and has shared her talents with The Home folks and the church congregation. After the Christmas Eve meditation by Dr. Ladislau Biro and the benediction by Dr. Louis Kali, Hungarian pastries, other home-made refreshments and punch were served from a festively decorated banquet table. Many thanks are due Mrs. Esther Fodi, Mrs. Ethel Kish, Mrs. Rose Novak, Mrs. Esther Bankuti and all the ladies of Bethesda Chapel and family members of our residents for providing all the delicious refreshments. An added attraction this year were the 122 “luminaires” lining the Bethesda driveway, church steps and walkway donated and set-up by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper. It was a beautiful sight; most unforgettable! We want to gratefully acknowledge all who remember The Home through contributions, honorariums and a very special thanks to those who faithfully communicate year-round. Many, many thanks for your prayers. The most amazing thing about what happens when folks pray —God often uses them to answer their own prayers. Words of prayer take wing and become love in deed. Thank you for helping us reflect the true meaning of Christmas year-round. Peace, love and joy we extend to you throughout the entire year of 1989. Ernest Cziraky * * * Administrator December Contributions Silliman Memorial Baptist, Bridgeport, Ct. ________________________60.75 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kish, Palm Bay, FL____60.00 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Bokor, Palm Bay, FL 50.00 Rose Newman, Palm Bay, FL ____________25.00 John Bacsó, Wadsworth, Ohio ____________34.50 Ladies Aid-Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Ct. ________________________25.00 (Folytatás a 6. oldalon) „Mosolyországi” képek a Bethesdából (Nevek balról jobbra olvasandók.) Marx Lehotsky, Esther Bankuti, Elizabeth Vass, Vesta Allen. Eva Biro, Franceska Beck, Rebecca Eibner, Elizabeth Bokor.