Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1986 (78. évfolyam, 3-24. szám)
1986-04-01 / 7. szám
6. oldal 1986. április 1. with the functioning of all facets of our Union. Your missions committee is charged with the continued functioning of missionary matters as it concerns our Union. They set up the programs to be pursued and then meet with the Home and Finance Committee for assurance that finances will be Végső István 1891-1986 Egy régi magyar baptista lelkipásztor testvérünket hívta haza az Úr, amint a bibliai pátriárkákról olvassuk, “jó vénségben”, 95 éves korában. Végső testvérünk évtizedeken át az ohioi Dayton városban lakott, s ott kapta a hazahívó szót. Elköltözött testvérünk Magyarországon, Sárospatakon született 1891. augusztus 17-én. Ott adta át szívét az Úr Jézusnak. 1924-ben jött az Egyesült Államokba s itt 1924—29 között az East Orange-i baptista szeminárium hallgatója lett. Tanulmányai befejeztével az Indiana állambeli Hammondban székelő Christian Centerben szolgált 1932-ig. Ez évben Daytonba költözött, s a daytoni Christian Centerben működött. Daytoni szolgálata alatt együtt dolgozott Vér Ferenc testvérrel. Misszió szolgálata kezdetén házasságra lépett Szabó Rózsika nőtestvérrel. Házasságukat kilenc gyermekkel áldotta meg az Űr. A harmincas évek gazdasági leromlása és a magyarok elköltözése miatt a Christian Center beszüntette működését. Végső testvér ez időtől kezdve először a daytoni városházán, majd a General Motors társaságnál kapott állást. Temetése január 18-án volt, Frank Snare és Vidor R. Doughty lelkipásztorok szolgálatával. Elhunyt testvérünket gyászolja özvegye, kilenc gyermeke, 27 unokája és 2 dédunokája. Végső testvér most már az Úrnál van és ott élvezi munkája jutalmát. Munkás életéért hálát adunk az Úrnak. Adjon a kegyelmes Isten megnyugvást a gyászoló családnak. there to implement their programs. It was good to see the two committees working hand in hand to assure the continuance of the programs selected by the missions committee. It can truly be said that God blesses the efforts of people who see a common cause and then work peacefully and prayfully for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom. The Bethesda Home and the Bethesda Baptist Church people were happy to be a part of hosting these meetings. Although we had many joys during the month, we also had sadness. Our faithful friend and employee, Betty Haydn was suddenly called to her eternal rest. Betty’s association with our Home goes back many decades. Both she and her late husband, John Haydn, were extremely active in the early operation of our Home. They sacrificed time and energy without charge for the development of our Home. Even in the most recent years, Betty would be ready at a moment’s notice to help out in any way that was needed. She baked cookies and cake for our residents, she volunteered to drive our folks to town or to medical appointments and she contributed consistently to the needs of our Home. We will miss her, but we are consoled by the fact that she is with the Lord whom she had loved and served. We extend to the friends and family of Betty, our heartfelt sympathy and condolences. She has already attained her reward. During the month, we also had the pleasure of hosting a number of old time friends of our Home and Convention. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Haydn, Mr. & Mrs. John Haydn visited with us in connection with the death of their mother. Our only wish is that the purpose of their visit had been different than what it had to be. In addition, we were visited by Margaret Bodolay from Wadsworth, Ohio and her son Mark and family from Orlando, Florida. It was also good the see Mr. & Mrs. Bill Butti from Wadsworth. These folks spend some of the cold months of the year at their home here in Palm Bay. All of these fine people are made most welcome here at Bethesda, since it was because of their family efforts that made Bethesda what it is today. It is our hope that those of you who have never visited with us will find the time to do so at your earliest convenience. You will always be made most welcome. At this moment, we are having extremely cold weather with the thermometer registering below freezing. This of course will take its toll on our plant life. But in a few days we will once again be enjoying the warm breezes of Florida. Please come down to see us. God bless you all. Sincerely, Ernest J. Kish Executive Director * CONTRIBUTION In Loving Memory of Betty Haydn: Irene E. Balogh, Margate, FL, $25.00; Maria Eifert, Verő Beach, FL, $20.00; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nagy, Margeta, FL, $25.00; Julia, Louis, Karen, Philip, Judy Kish, Buffalo, N.Y., $35.00; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Orbán, Spring Hill, FL, $20.00; Catherine & Bill Walker, Gladys & Johnny Ekrhart, Leroy & Inge Klinsic, $50.00; Margaret Mobley, W. Melbourne, FL, $25.00; Margaret Bodolay, Wadsworth, OH, $10.00; Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Sadier, Watertown, Ct., $25.00; Employees of Bethesda, Palm Bay, FL, $35.00; Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Kish, Palm Bay, FL, $10.00; In Loving Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Gale Stalker: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Place, Lake Placid, FL, $20.00 In Loving Memory of Attila Orosz: Mr. & Mrs. Bela Marosi, Solon, OH, $20.00; In Loving Memory of Silver Weiss: Veatrice M. Sutherland, Satellite Bch., FL, $100.00 In Loving Memory of Carlos Newman: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Whitaker, Clover, S.C. $24.00 In Loving Memory of Julia Kerestly: Mr. & Mrs. George Kerestly, Lakeland, FL, $1000.00 In Loving Memory of Mary Fanchal: Kate Homula, Palm Bay, FL, $50.00 In Loving Memory of Aaron Hollander: Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hollander, Melboure, Beach, FL, $100.00 In Loving Memory of Chris Jenson: Mr. & Mrs. Albert Balogh, Los Altos, Ca., $50.00 In Loving Memory of Ernest Wall: Mr. & Mrs. Albert Balogh, Los Altos, Ca., $50.00 - Total: 1694.00 *** Building Fund: Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Ct., $50.00; Gabriel Petre, Palm Bay, FL, $100.00; Bethesda Baptist Church, Palm Bay, FL, $100.00; Mr. & Mrs.