Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1984 (76. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1984-02-15 / 4. szám

6. oldal 1984. február 15. to the seminary, they may do so. It takes six years therefore, to graduate one seminarian and place him into a church fellowship. Some students become “lost” during their military training which further hampers the steady supply of new preachers for the ministry. The seminary is a really fine institution with an excellent teaching staff. Each teacher is a specialist in his own field and thus they provide a good curriculum for their students. Both the teachers and the students deserve our con­tinued prayers. (Conclusion follows.) December at Bethesda God has once again blessed us and has allowed us to successfully close out another year. We are grateful to Him for all things large and small. What a joy it is for me to report to you that His guiding hand had been with us throughout the year and His hands of blessings had been over us. We praise His name for it. December of course is a very im­portant month for all Christendom. It is the month of the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Beginning with Thanksgiving, we started to make preparations for the proper celebration of this event. Our Home was decorated like a pretty Christmas card. We had three Christmas trees inside our Home and four decorated trees on the out­side. The spirit of Christmas began to build early in the month and progressed with a crescendo to Christmas Eve when we held our Christmas vesper services. This was the eleventh year that these services were held in our Home and it was a joy for us to welcome friends of our families in addition to our residents and the members of the church. It was a joyous occasion enjoyed by one and all. Our own Dr. Biro presented the vesper meditation and high­lighted to us the perfect unblem­ished gift that God, the Father had given to us in the personage of His son Jesus Christ. Almost all of our residents were in attendance. We praise God for the privilege that is ours in presenting the Gospel to all people. Needless to say, after the Balatonfüredi református templom Kalocsai ház. A paprika szárítás díszítés is! to pray and wait patiently for further governmental relaxations. In this respect, we must pray for them to continue patiently in the work that God has laid upon their shoulders. There is a tremendously great need for pastors in so many smaller cities of Hungary. These country churches have a congregation of as great as 200 members and they presently cannot be supplied with a pastor of their own. There are however, many ministers from close­­by cities who visit these churches and supply whatever the needs may be to them. The real problem as I see it, is the fact that the seminary just cannot furnish enough new pas­tors to meet the needs. Currently, for example, they have an enroll­ment of 14 students. After two years of study, each student must fulfill his military obligation. If after two years of extremely rigid military regimen, the students wish to return

