Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1983 (75. évfolyam, 2-24. szám)

1983-08-01 / 15. szám

1983. augusztus 1. 5. oldal American Hungarian Baptist Union of America FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 30, 1983 gyermekkorod emléke vissza-vissza­­jár, megpihen az erdélyi havasok csúcsain, ahol a robogó vonatból is látva egy óriási kereszt ragyog feléd, és megszólal ajkadon: “HolJézus megfeszütetett . . . Isten nekem ott megjelent” éneknek dallama; ahol érettem és éretted is szenvedett az Isten fia! Erre mindig emlékezzél! Dr. Gerhard Claas, a Baptista Vi­lágszövetség főtitkára jelenti, hogy a két orosz baptista csoport vezetői ta­lálkoztak Moszkvában testvéri meg­beszélés céljából. A kormány által elismert szövet­ség, az “All-Union Council,” amely­be öt evangéliumi közösség tartozik, meghívta a “szabad” baptisták kép­viselőit testvéri megbeszélésre. A gyűlésen a szabad baptistákat 20, az elismert baptistákat 10 küldött kép­viselte. Jelen voltak a tanácskozáson a Baptista Világszövetség és az Euró­pai Baptista Szövetség vezetői. Az eredmény Dr. Claas szerint nem egyesülés. Amint Claas mond­ta, az egyesülésig nagy utat kell meg­tenni, de ez a gyűlés egy fontos első lépés volt. Az oroszországi baptisták számát senki sem tudja pontosan. A “hiva­talosan” elismert baptisták 550,000 tagot jelentenek. Az önálló baptis­ták száma nem állapítható meg. Az evangéliumi közösségek tagjainak Budget deficit has become a household word. Not one day goes by that one does not hear or read about deficit. Deficit is so well számát, amelybe a baptisták is tar­toznak, négy és fél millióra becsü­lik. Ebből a számból két és fél mil­lió a baptisták száma a becslések sze­rint. (B. P.) *** “Despite Curbs on Church Acti­vities, a religious revival is underway in Czechoslovakia, Mariven Howe reported in the New York Times. Even Dr. Karel Hruza, Head of the Government’s Secretariat for Reli­gious Affairs, said, there is a back­­to-church trend among young people. ’In the old days, you would see only grandmothers in churches, but now there are young church­goers too’, he commented in a recent interview. Asked about the causes of the revival, he said, ’Some sociolo­gist say, the people are seeking the meaning of life; others call it a protest against consumerism. I think probably both are right.’ One fact is evident: Young people are flocking to churches.” (M. C.) known that it lost its meaning. It lost its connotation. It became an every­day word. If we lose money we get excited about it, some of us may even get sick about is. We know lost means gone. It cannot be brought back. We do not consider, however, a deficit a loss, yet for all practical purposes, a deficit is a loss because it means we are shorter of an amount we would have, had we not incur­red a deficit. For years, our financial reports dealt with deficits. We became ac­customed to it. In our mind we may have never entertained the conse­quences of a deficit. This time, how­ever, my report does not contain the word deficit. God has opened the hearts. God once again has showed us that it is not the number that counts but the quality. Most of our donors I know per­sonally and I can tell you that those donations did not come from rich people, they were, however, rich in their faith. One day I received a call from a family in Cleveland. They asked me to visit them. This family lives in a very modest home and is supported by social security. In the center of the kitchen a coal stove was burning. When I asked, “Why do you have a coal stove?” the answer was, “We save on our heating bill”. I left this home with one thousand dollars as donation to this Union. I also was entrusted with $200 to be sent to a church for their building program and I was given a very no­minal amount for another charity. From Chicago, a brother sent $500 in support of the Gospel Messenger. Nominal amounts came in mem­ory of their loved ones. From Los Angeles I received a check for $400 with a note which said, “In memory of my husband who loved Hungar­ian literature so much”. I received donations from all over the States and Canada. We acknowledged all these donations in the Gospel Mes­senger. A brother from Canada wrote: I can not accept your thanks because I did not give anything which is mine. What I gave you came from the Lord and belongs to

