Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1980 (72. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1980-02-01 / 3. szám

] ENGLISH SECTION CHRISTMAS AT BETHESDA 1980. februári.__________________________________________ The month of December is always the busiest time of the year at Bethesda. It seems that an electric air stars just prior to Thanksgiving and culminates on New Years Day. A time of hustle and bustle and a time of hectic preparation and activity prevails throughout the five week period. The true meaning of Christmas however is always the prime theme of all of our activity. After all, if it had not been for the birth of our Lord and Savior, we would have little or nothing to celeb­rate. During the month we were entertained by many groups of people from local churches, soro­rities service organizations and by individuals who felt that they wished to do something for our residents. We even had our Congressman, “Bill” Nelson come to visit and talk to our residents on matters of con­cern to them. During the month we received many gifts of love from our friends and neighbors. Our neighborhood nurseryman sent us a dozen red poin­­cettias to give our Home a festive look for the holidays. A very fine businessman gifted 54 pairs of shoes and sneakers to our residents. Others provided us with punch, cookies, candies, ice cream and individual gifts for each of our residents. You, our friends from near and far, sent us contributions to help make the holidays pleasant and more meaningful. Each of our residents without family was made happier as a result of your love for us. May God bless you for your thoughtfulness. On Christmas Eve we invited all of our residents as well as the Bethesda Baptist Church to our Vesper Ser­vices. At this time, Dr. Ladislau Biro provided the message of the real meaning of Christmas. After the caroling, we all enjoyed the cakes and cookies which were pro­vided by the ladies of the church. On Christmas morning we joined in the services at our chapel. Once again the word of God was preached, proclaiming the birth of our Lord and Savior. On Christmas Day, a feast befitting royalty was served to our residents and families. This is our way of saying thank you for their prayers and support throughout the year. Christmas therefore was another unforgetable experience at Bethesda. Our re­sidents were grateful for all that they had heard, received and experi­enced. May these experiences bring us into closer fellowship with one another and with our Lord. We had many visitors during the month. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Banyai (Augusta, WI), Mr. and Mrs. Emery Revy (Clear­water, Fla.), Mr. and Mrs. Kalman Vassi (New Brunswick, N.J.) and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jackson (New Hartford, N.Y.). It is always good to host old friends of our Home. It seems as though we are at the cross­roads in their journeys into Florida. Many of our northern friends stop in to say hello as they travel through our state. Won’t you too follow their lead as you visit in Florida? I’m sure that you will be well received and will like what you see. Our winter guests are beginning to arrive. We welcome all whom we can comfortably accommodate dur­ing these cold months. Our weather pattern thus far has been compara­tively good. While our nighttime temperatures do go down into the 50’s, our daytime temperatures most always are in the 70s and 80's. Thus, if you are tired of the cold weather up north, we invite you to visit with us. I assure you that your reception will be warm, even though our temperatures may be a bit cool. During the month we were forced to purchase a new furnace for one of our buildings. In addition, we also had to replace a compressor on one of our cooling units. This came un­expectedly, but the matter had to be taken care of promptly. Needless to say, the expense involved was rather heavy. We also were finally able to replace our aging piano with a (used) new one. For this we are grateful. We had been praying for this for some time, and the Lord finally made the purchase possible. We are grateful to Him for all things, large or small. One of our favorite winter guests, Mrs. Magdolna Attila, was stricken with a seizure during our Sunday morning worship service. She was immediately rushed to the hospital where she was given the needed treatment. At this time, she is back home with us and feeling much better. She was the subject of much prayer, and we thank God for His watchful care over all of us. The year 1979 has been a good one for us at Bethesda. God has showered us with more blessings than we could count. We thank Him for all of you who upheld us in your prayers. We are doing His will with our aging citizens. Because of Bethesda the love of God is made manifest through the Christian ser­vice that is being rendered to all people. Please continue us in your prayers. May we wish all of you a healthy, happy and blessed New Year. Ernest J. Kish, Administrator * * * BETHESDA BAPTIST RETIREMENT HOME 7, oldal CONTRIBUTIONS DECEMBER, 1979 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hollander, Cape Canaveral, Fla. $100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Washitza, Bethlehem, Pa. 30.00 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kautz, Fairfield, Conn. 25.00 Mrs. Margaret Mobley, Palm Bay 25.00 Mrs. Magdolna Attila, Watervliet, Mi. 26.10 Mrs. Rose Sas, Palm Bay 10.00 Chestnut Street Baptist Church, Wadsworth, Ohio 100.00 Mr. Alex Raduly, Palm Bay 10.00 Cmdr. (Ret.) E. Fisher, N. Kingston, R.I. 6.00 Bethesda Baptist Church 85.00 Mrs. Julia Smenyak, Palm Bay 10.00 Mrs. Steve Crump, Merritt Island, Fla. 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Biro, Vestaburg, Pa. 125.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fogarty, Stratford, Conn. 10.00 Mrs. Julia and Margaret Vargo, Hemet, Calif. 10.00 Mrs. Anna Kautz, Newton, Mass. 25.00 Mrs. Irene Behm, San Diego, Cal. 100.00 Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ilika, Bloomington, Minn. 40.00 Mr. Peter Gulyas, Palm Bay 50.00 Hungarian Baptist Church, N.Y.C. 25.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Salyards, Penny Farms, Fla. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Geza Legoza, Fairfield, Conn. 100.00 Mrs. Agnes Nemeth, New York, N.Y. 25.00

