Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1979 (71. évfolyam, 1-22. szám)
1979-02-01 / 3. szám
1979. február 1. feäiumiH« _...............—— =W= =S<= Misszió mezőkről... IMAHAZ ATALAKITAS New Brunswick, N.J. DECEMBER AT BETHESDA Az 1978-as évi közgyűlésünk Torontóban elhatározta, hogy a New Brunswick-i gyülekezet imaház átalakítási költségeire gyülekezeteinkben gyűjtést rendez. Szövetségünk egyik legrégebben alakult gyülekezete. A magyar baptista misszió munka 1908-ban kezdődött, azonban a gyülekezet 1914-től tartja nyilván történelmét. 1922 decemberében Gazsi István tv. vezetésével megalakult a gyülekezet és nagyon szép fejlődésnek indult. Ennek a gyülekezetnek volt 20 éven át prédikátora Major Mihály tv. szolgálati ideje alatt a gyülekezet taglétszáma 145-re emelkedett. A gyülekezet teljes történelmét hosszú lenne itt leírni. Ma már több gyülekezetről csak azt mondhatjuk, volt és végzett a magyarok közt misszió munkát. De Istennek legyen hála azért, hogy New Brunswickban van magyar gyülekezet még akkor is, ha az angol nyelv került előtérben. Dr. Henry Austin tv. a gyülekezet lelkipásztora hűségesen, kitartóan szolgálja ott az Urat és a gyülekezetei. Az imaház, hogy továbbra is használható legyen és ne kelljen lebontani, komoly nagy költséggel járó javításra szorul. A New Brunswick-i gyülekezet már sok gyülekezetnek segített anyagilag és azzal, hogy más gyülekezetek élvezhették az ottani munka gyümölcsét úgy, hogy komoly hivő tagokat kaptak New Brunswickból. A Los Angeles-i gyülekezet szintén sokat gazdagodott a New Brunswickból ideköltözött testvérekkel. Feladatunk, kötelességünk, hogy segítsünk most, mint a Szövetség gyülekezetei a New Brunswick-i imaház újjáépítésében. Adományainkat küldjük a következő címre: “The Building Fund, High Street Baptist Church ” 1 High Street, New Brunswick New Jersey 08901 Hunter- Vadász János * * * Every December is a beautiful month at Bethesda. This year, however, we feel that it was an exceptionally blessed month. It was filled with joyful activity which emphasized most positively the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Many groups of children and adults came to share their joy with us. Church groups, high school and college students, as well as other organizations participated in the celebration. God has really blessed us with many friends in our area who love our Home, and who do much help our beloved aged residents celebrate “just one more Christmas”. We praise the Lord for all friends who help to make life just a bit more pleasant and tolerable for those who no longer can do as much for themselves and their loved ones. We also grateful to God for having provided us with a new lounge in which to celebrate this blessed holiday. Although the new lounge was not completely finished, we were able to hold our annual Vesper Services in our new structure. We had our rug installed, and we furnished the building with bits and pieces from other areas of our facility. It was really a beautiful sight to see our residents joined by our church members singing “Silent Night” in a new and beautiful setting. Dr. Biro, our Pastor, did an outstanding job of presenting a real Christmas message to all in attendance. May God grant us the will and the means to continue to provide our aged with a dignified way of life, and may we ever forget to proclaim the word of God to all people whom we serve. During the holidays we received many beautiful messages and contributions for our building fund. For all of your good wishes and all of your love gifts, we are extremely grateful. You all are beautiful people who have the concern of the aged on your heart. We thank God for all of you, and we covet prayers and your support. We received one message that sort of spells out the reason why we exist. It stated, “For I was a stranger, and you took me in. ” This came from one of our new residents along with a check in the amount of $50.00 for our building fund. Another message came from a complete stranger whom we had never met before. He walked into our Home, looked around a bit, and then handed'me an envelope earmarked “for your building fund. ” It contained five one hundred dollar bills. He saw what we were doing and was moved to help. I’m sure that if each of you would visit us and see what is being done with our aged citizens, you would recognize that we are not a “business, ” but rather a Home where our aged loved ones can spend the remaining part if their lives in comfort and the dignity to which they are entitled. You all have responded wonderfully, and we “feel” your prayers and know that God is leading us all the way. God bless you all, and may you have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Ernest Kish, Administrator * * * BETHESDA BAPTIST RETIREMENT HOME CONTRIBUTIONS DECEMBER, 1978 ______________________________ 5. oldal Paul Dudics, Jr., Palm Bay $ 10.00 Ladies Aid, Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Conn. 35.00 Rose Sas, Palm Bay 5.00 Julia Smenyak, Palm Bay 5.00 Rev. and Mrs. John Bene W. Palm Beach, Fla. 10.00 In honor of Rev. and Mrs. Frank Ver: Rev. and Mrs. George Balia Palm Bay, Fla. 10.00 Velma Kinda, Van Nuys, Cal. 5.00 Mrs. Julia Vargo, Helmet, Cal. 10.00 Anonymous 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Olan, Palm Bay 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kautz Holiday, Fla. 25.00 First Baptist Church Mount Holly, N.J. 40.00 Ladies Aid, Hungarian Baptist Church Alhambra, Cal. 50.00 Bethesda Baptist Church 85.00 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Toth Trumbull, Conn. 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Sebestyen Cleveland, Ohio 50.00 Ladies Aid, Bethesda Baptist Church 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fritsche Melbourne, Fla. 500.00 Mission, Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Conn. 109.20 Ladies Aid, Hungarian Baptist Church New York City 50.00