Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1975 (67. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)
1975-02-01 / 3. szám
1975. február 1. EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK S. oldal The Divine Drama One of the best patterns for worship is found in an autobiographical reference of one of the Old Testament prophets. It comes to us from the nobleman prophet, Isaiah, from about 700 B.C. Though ancient in origin, it is still valid in form and revelant in spirit. The reader will find it in Isaiah 6:1-8. Those interested in understanding the process and power of worship (and all of us should be) will find this interesting and instructive reading. In the divine drama of worship there was a three-fold movement — three acts, as it were - each unit in itself, but all of them related to the others. The pattern they form may well serve as an example of vital worship today. And as you yourself attend church, you ought to anticipate and participate in these three essential phases of worship. His worship experience caused Isaiah to look in three directions: 1 - The Upward Look. This first Act resulted in his re-discovery of God. Here are the prophet’s own words: “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord. .. high and lifted up”. At this, choral music filled -the temple: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory!” (This is the ancient source for one of our most familiar modern worship hymns). Deeply impressed, he adds: “Mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts!” So, while he grieved over the loss of his earthly ruler, he now rejoiced in the presence of his eternal King, still on the throne - God still in control! So, too, we need to affirm with the Psalmist: “I will lift up my eyes. . . My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth”. (Psalm 121: 1,2) 2 — The Inward Look. This second Act led to the discovery of his own identity. Having experienced the greatness and goodness of God, Isaiah came to a new awareness of his own unworthiness. He exclaims in penitence: “Woe is me! For I am lost. I am a man of unclean lips and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips”. These are words which are an almost uncanny echo of the revelations of our own time. His personal confession is acknowledged with the gift of divine pardon. The record continues: “And he touched my mouth and said, “Behold this has touched your lips, and your guilt is taken away, and your sin is forgiven”. So, God’s freely bestowed gift of forgiveness is God’s answer to man’s sin. Thus does the inner life find freshness and fullness in the mercy of the Almighty. Likewise, when you go to your church to worship, use tbp prayer of the Psalmist of old: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me”. (Psalm'51:10) 3 — The Outward Look. The third Act led Isaiah to the discovery of his life’s meaning and mission. It is in the opportunity and challenge to serve others in God’s name. The prophet writes: “And 1 heard the voice of the Lord saying. “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, Here am I, send me!” The recognition of responsibility constitutes the call to service. To look upon a needy and broken world is to have a truly eye-opening experience. Others are not simply faceless people, not anonymous creatures, not even human strangers. They are truly God’s children, blood brothers in the human family, deserving of loving concern and personal care. So, the outward look reveals our earthly mission. Isaiah caught this vision and pledged his allegiance to God’s service by volunteering: “Here I am, send me”. For Christian people, worship, then, is the divine drama which clarifies vision, beautifies character and glorifies life. In simple ways and places, as well as in the solemn and joyous ritual of hallowed halls, thoughtful people will want to take time to worship. In crisis and need, as well as in gladness and gratitude, worship alone is adequate to provide us with the three-fold revelation of life’s true purpose and meaning: The Upward Look will serve to make God more real. The Inward Look will serve to make us more honest and realistic about ourselves and our sins — plus the reassurance of God’s readiness to pardon. The Outward Look will serve to lead us out of our self-centered lives into concern and deeds of involvement with others. So, when your day of worship comes, you go to your house of worship. Heed the ancient calls to worship: “O come, let us bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker. For he is our God and we are his people”. Such experiences will enable you to become the kind of person you can - and with God’s help - ought to be! EMIL KONTZ Mrs. LYDIA SOMODI PINTER 1888—1974 Mrs. Lydia Somodi Pinter, widow of Joseph Pinter, died November 26, 1974, at the age of 86. She married Joseph Pinter November 19, 1905. Thirteen children survive of the fourteen children, nine sons and four daughters. In February, 1916, Mr. and Mrs. Pinter were baptized after confessing Christ at their personal Savior at the Hungarian Baptist Church in Perth Amboy, N. J. They later transferred their membership to the New Brunswick Church where for 42 years she served the Lord faithfully. Following her husband’s death she made her home in St. Petersburg, Florida, where she was a member of the Lake Maggiore Baptist Church. During 1969 and 1970 she was a resident of the Bethesda Baptist Home in Palm Bay. My mother’s funeral was held in the Gowen Funeral Home on Nov. 29. The officiating ministers were the Rev. F. Del Sanders of the Kendall Park Baptist Church and Pastor Ralph Weer, former Pastor, where daughter Julia and husband are members. Mrs. Richard Mechling sang "Face to Face”. In her younger days she was a tireless worker both in church and at home. She loved the Lord and her passionate desire was that all of her children would accept Christ and live a good Christian life. Among the survivors and 28 grandchildren and nineteen great grandchildren. I Thess. 4:13 For we sorrow not as others who have no hope. Her loving daughter Julia • Ifj. UDVARNOKI BÉLA testvér 42 éves korában Gibsonia, Pennsylvaniában, 1975. január 17-én váratlanul meghalt. Temetéséről lapunk következő számában adunk részletes ismertetést. BAPTISTA MŰBOLYGÓ 1984-BEN? Fort Worth, Texas. (BP) Paul M. Stevens, a Déli Baptista Szövetség Rádió-Televízió Bizottságának az elnöke "prófétáit”, amikor a nevezett bizottság ülésén közölte azt a véleményét, hogy a déli baptisták rádió és televíziós szervének 1984-ben lesz egy műbolygója, amelyről egész Amerika területén lehet fogni az adásokat. Stevens reménysége szerint három déli baptista misszió szervezet: a külföldi, a belföldi misszió társaságok és a vasárnapi iskolai szövetség fogják a műbolygót használni A bizottság ülésén elhangzott a figyelmeztetés, hogy jelek mutatkoznak arra, hogy a szabad, ingyen televízió adások vételeinek az ajtai bezárulnak. Ez a lehetőség is szüksé-, gessé teszi, hogy előre gondoskodjunk a szabad evangéliumi rádió és televízió adásról. A műbolygó vállalkozás nem csak a déli baptisták erejét mutatja, hanem igazolja azt a töretlen elhatározásukat, hogy az evangéliumot hirdessék az egész világnak.G. L.