Evangéliumi Hírnök, 1972 (64. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1972-07-01 / 13. szám

6. oldal EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK 1972. július 1. fedezi. Nem kell félni a kiadásoktól. 5. Nagyon érdemes ilyen Evangé­liumi Napokat tartani! Jobban meg­ismerjük az igét és egymást. A napo­kat bővíteni lehet angol nyelvű elő­adásokkal, hogy gyermekeink is épüljenek. A misszió bizottság örömmel ven­né, ha kapna meghívásokat az őszi hónapokra Evangéliumi Nap meg­rendezésére. A meghívást küldjék gyülekezeteink a következő címre: Dr. Haraszti Sándor, 217 Arrowhead Blvd. Court-B., Jonesboro, Georgia, 30236. ír MY VISIT TO SILLIMAN MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH, BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT (David O. Lindsay, Pastor) On December 19, last year, I had a fine visit with members of the Silliman Memorial Baptist Church, a member church of The Hungarian Baptist Union of America. This church is close to the hearts of all of us, as we had several conventions as guests of this fine church. We know their agile, young, pastor who is full of vigor and missionary zeal. During my visit, I was the personal guest of Brother Elmer Kish and Erny Kish and Arthur Stumpf. All three of these Brethren are members of The Finance Committee and I had excellent opportunity to discuss with them matters of importance regarding the Bethesda Baptist Retirement Home, Palm Bay, Flori­da, and by and large the present status of Hungarian Baptist mission work in the United States and Cana­da. We also attended the Sunday School and the morning service together. At both occasions songs, poem recitals, and Bible readings announced the good tidings of the Savior’s Birth. The pastor had a special Children’s Sermon based on Luke 11:8-20. The Senior Choir pre­sented a Christmas Cantata entitled "Shepherds Rejoice”. This is a folk cantata for Christmas by J. W. Wil­son and the choir was conducted by Mr. Arthur Stumpf. Greeters at the doors were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kish. There was no evening service and the entire congregation was in­vited to attend the performance of the "Singing Christmas Tree” at the Blackrock Congregational Church. Though I would have enjoyed attending this presentation I visited instead Suzanne Stumpf, whose late minister husband played a very im­portant role in Hungarian Baptist Missions in the United States and Canada. We had a very hearty dis­cussion of several hours in Mrs. Stumpf’s home and she presented me with a copy of Az Amerikai Ma­gyar Baptisták Történelme, 1908— 1958, edited by Petre Gábor, Balia György, Vér Ference on behalf of The Hungarian Baptist Union of America. My meeting with Mrs. Stumpf will be ever so memorable to me. The Silliman Memorial Baptist Church has 130 members. Their operations budget for the year 1971, included: Preaching of the Gospel 10,302.60 House of Worship and Christian Education Building 5,460.00 Worship in Music 1,000.00 Other Expenses 825.00 GRAND TOTAL OF: $17,587.60 Their financial projection for 1972 is 18,597.20. They had contributed $590.00 to Hungarian Baptist Mis­sions and their projection is the same for 1972. The way they distri­bute their contribution to Hun­garian Baptist Missions is as folows: Hungarian Baptist Union, Bethesda Baptist Home, Hungarian Literary Fund, Hungarian Missions, Sunday School Birthday Fund-Hungarian Missions. The total amount donated to various Missions projects in 1971 by all different organizations of the church was $6,050.00 I think it would be an excellent idea for many of our member churches to follow this great example. They had received 10 people in 1971 into their membership by bap­tism. At the same time, four families (totaling 17 people) moved from the Bridgeport area, although only a couple at this time had transferred their church membership. They did not lose a single member by death in 1971. Their average attendance for morning services through the year was 96, one less than the year before. Considering the number of families who moved away this was not too discouraging. Their avarage attendance at the special evening services was 56, which was greater than the year before. The church has a though and worth reading Annual Report, pre­faced by the pastor and compiled by members of different committees. It was encouraging to see the many names indicating people of Hun­garian missionary heritage. The time I spend with this church was so very short. I am looking for­ward to renewing friendship and establishing new contacts during the Convention in July. Alexander S. Haraszti Chairman, Mission’s Committee U HAPPENINGS IN THE BETHESDA BAPTIST HOME As usual our old folk do not want for activity and programs. At the present time they are enjoying their new color T. V. from early morning to late at night. We took the old T. V. from the lounge room in the Home and placed it in the recreation room in the garage area and the T. V. is hooked up and our tourist and the residents both are enjoying the programs. We have been show­ing movies in the past and the most recent one shown was in color about the life of Graham Bell the Scientist. The ladies from the Methodist church of Palm Bay delighted the old folk with singing and cookies. Mr. Joseph Bika who was a re­sident in our Home was taken to Sunny Pines Nursing Home. Mrs. Theresa Haloka who was with us for a number of years met Mr. Bika in the Nursing Home and he was fortunate because she was the only Hungarian speaking person at the new home in Rockledge, Florida. Just recently Mrs. Lela Harfield who was also sent to the Rockledge Home passed away and Rev. Kurtz officiated at a grave-side service for her. Mrs. Helen Veizer, Mrs. Mary Vasi and Mrs. Ida Kantz, three of our faithful gardeners left for a short time vacation to New Jersey. Mrs. Veizer and Mrs. Mary Vassi are re­

