Evangéliumi Hirnök, 1961 (53. évfolyam, 1-25. szám)

1961-03-01 / 5. szám

19G1. március 1. EVANGÉLIUMI HÍRNÖK 3-IK OLDAL Gods Message to Man Read II. Peter 1:16-21 By Rev. Jerry D. Van Der Veen First Baptist Church Garfield, New Jersey Many wonderful books have been and are being published today. In this present age, we can purchase and read about the most facinating discoveries made by man. In our public libraries we can sit down and choose from thousands of volumes in order to satisfy and stimulate our intellectual ability and curiosity. I am more than sure that we can­not deny the fact that the greatest book in all the world is the Bible, Gods infallible revelation. It is with­out any doubt the greatest master­piece in the world. It is that because it contains the most important mes­sage to the world. In spite of the attacks upon the Bible both in history and in our pre­sent day, the Bible stands as on un­movable rock in our present day shaking society. This fact is proven by the Bible itself. We find the Bible translated into over a thousand lan­guages and dialects and has there­fore become life's compass by many across the world. When a book has become popular there must be a reason for its popu­larity. This is true of the Bible. The Bible is read and loved by multitudes, because in this confusing and rest­less world in which you and I are living, the Bible reveals to the hu­man heart that peace for which man is constantly searching in vain. The Bible is God's revelation; it is God's inspired word 2. Peter 1:21 “Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost". Yes friends, the Bible is God's mes­sage to the human race Someone who reads these words might say; What is the message of the Bible? What can it do for me? Dear reader; why has this message revealed in the Bible blessed thousands of lives? Why has it been translated into over thousand languages? Because the Bible answers the great questions which the philosophers of all ages have been asking, namely: Why am I here? Where am I going? With all the books expounding the philosophy of great thinkers, no one has given the answers to the riddle of this universe and life, except the Bible. The Bible, and no other book ex­cept the Bible has the answer to these questions. The Bible speaks of an endless eternity! It's great theme is the ho­liness of God the creator, and the sinfulness of man. Throughout the Bible we find God pleading with man. Man who has turned his back toward God can find mercy and forgiveness if he will turn from his evil ways, forsake sin, and turn to God. Dear friends, we are all traveling along life's journey toward eternity toward that which is beyond this life. God's word tells us distinctly that eternity is composed of two places where the souls of man will dwell. One is described as a place of sor­row, agony, gnashing of teeth, dark, ness, loneliness and death. Eter­nal separation from God for ever and forever. The other place is described as a place of joy Peace, light, everlasting life and fellowship with God, The constant teaching of the Bible is, that now God gives us the opportu­nity to receive the offer of grace and salvation in Jesus Christ in order that we shall not share in death and separation, but enjoy the assurance of everlasting life. God has prepared a way by which we may be forgiven and cleansed, washed of all our sin. Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." II Corinthians 5:21 “For God that made him (Christ) to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the right­eousness of God in him." John 5:24 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condem. nation, but is passed from death unto life." Dear friends, these few texts from the Bible tell about our future des­tiny Where do you stand today? Where are you going? Is your faith resting upon the fi­nished work of Jesus Christ on Ca _ varys Cross? If so, you now have everlasting life. You will share the blessings of time and eternity. If you have never received Jesus Christ as your Saviour, than the wrath of God abideth upon you now. Therefore flee from the wrath of God and turn to Jesus Christ who said “I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh unto tin Father but by me". “As many as received him to them gave he the power to become the Sons of God even to them that be­lieve on his name."------------o------------A Bethesda Otthon Alapjára adományoztak: Anonymus .Wadsworth, Ohio $ 10.00 Mr. Peter Bacsó Wadsworth, 0. 500.00 Mrs. Peter Bacsó Wadsworth, O. 100.00 Mr. G. Dobra Cleveland, 0. 20.00 Mr. J. Burke New York, N.Y. 50.00 Miss V. Andreka New Brunswick, N.J. 5.00 Shaker téri H. Baptist Church Cleveland, Ohio 200.00 John Fekete, Trenton, N.J. 25.00 Joe and John Kohut New Brunswick, N. J. 100.00 Mrs. J. Ferenci 10.00 ÖSSZESEN: $1020.00 Köszönettel W. Bikacsán. A FLORIDAI AGGMENHÁZUNK Második és harmadik középüle­tében jutányos árban újonnan dekorált és szépen berendezett szobák vannak kiadók a Floridá­ban vakációzó testvéreinknek! Ne fizessen dupla árt idegennek, mikor fél árban szobákat bérel­hetnek és ugyanakkor intézetün­ket is megsegítik. Érdeklődők Írjanak erre a cjmre: RÉV. EMIL BÁLLÁ Rt. 2 Box 194 Melbourne, Fia.

