Tüskés Anna (szerk.): Omnis creatura significans - Tanulmányok Prokopp Mária 70. születésnapjára (2009)

Barokk művészet

Tanulmányok Prokopp Mária yo. születésnapjára Maria-Theresia. From the 19th century there is an al­tar of Saint Elisabeth painted by Rezső Steiner (1854- 1945) in the Saint Sebastian church and the two reli­quaries in the chapel of the Bishop’s Palace. The large- scaled Saint Elisabeth picture of Gyula Tury (1866­1932) in the Seminary Church, the Saint Elisabeth statue of Saint Emery’s Church and the fresco painted by György Leszkovszky (1891-1968) in Prohaszka’s Church were made in the 20th century. 235

