Deák Antal András: A Duna fölfedezése


T II E DISCOVERY OF THE DANUBE The map shows the swamps around the earthen fort and the ditch running toward Kopinik and Mitrovitz [Mitrovica]. In the same place, he depicted the ground plan of the earthen fort between Mitrovitz [Mitrovica] and Nagjalos (?) in Sirmium. Facing the legend in Latin, there is a German remark on the right side of the picture: Hier unten ist ein breiter Wall. 19 3 Müller's drawing can be seen on a version of this sheet as well: Motrovitz Sirmii olim Metropolis ruderibus suis antiquioribus, hue representataM The Sava river runs along the upper edge of the picture, the letters a and b mark antiquities and a paved road is shown on the left side. Underneath, drawings of the these features are enlarged to 21 x 30 and 11x13 cm, and two stone fragments with birds depicted on them are depicted with the remark: Fragmenta lapidum in Mortovtz. 19 5 Another drawing showed the village of Vinkovci and two ramparts in its vicinity. 19 6 He remarked at Vinkovci that it was surrounded by a Roman rampart. The water flowed into the ditch through the Herbenitza channel which branched off the Vuka river. He drew profdes of both ramparts and provided a stepped scale. There are drawings from Müller that he made on spot and on which he noted the height, width and depth of the stones in German. 19 7 On page 56, he drew a Roman rampart, which was called Nadrany, he said, and which could be found one and a half hours' walk from the Maros river at a right angle to it, eight hours' walk from Szeged and two and a half hours' walk down from the village of Betska [Pécska]. He drew an outline of the profile of the rampart in the upper left corner. Many more of Müller's figures exist beside ones listed here. The drawings made on spot and the figures that decorated the Roman antiquities volume deserve special mention. Nearly one hundred of these drawings can be found in the Marsigli archives. 19 8 Müller played the lion's share in the final shaping and organisation of the figures. There are also numerous drawings on which a piece of paper containing the final versions of the legends was later glued onto the map by Müller. 19 9 The third period in Müller's work in Marsigli's service can be dated to between 1702 and 1704. At that time, he was already in Nürnberg.: Afier I had chosen a place in Mr Eimmart's house where I could confortably pursue my studies and work, the first thing I did was to prepare a sample of the Danube section maps so that Your Honour could tell his opinion. Two are already finished. Mr Fleischman has only to engrave the names on them - he wrote to Marsigli, who was at that time fighting against the French in the war of succession. It was probably there and approximately at that time that Müller prepared his lovely Danube maps, which were to be the highest quality illustrations in the book. The manuscript items, after which the engravings were drawn, have survived in a separate volume. Although somewhat worn 20 0, they are beautiful. The coloured figures of the Roman antiquities were also collected in a separate volume. 201 Due to the wartime circumstances, however, they struggled with communication difficulties. Marsigli's assistants in Nürnberg were also afraid that their work would be lost. Nevertheless, Marsigli insisted on seeing the 19 3 There is a broad valley down here. 194 oldest ruins of Mitrovitz, the former capital of Sirmium, are shown here. 19 5 Stone fragments from Mitrovitz. 19 6 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 6. 52. 19 7 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 6. p. version no. 78. 19 8 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 6. Especially pp. 54, 55, 59. 19 9 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 6. Especially pp. 61-86. 20 0 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 31. After the 18 sections we can find the 14 depictions of the moon, the hydrographical maps and the prints of the soils in the Danube basin, the banks and plates 38-46. 20 1 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 32. Made by J. C. Müller. 126

