Deák Antal András: A Duna fölfedezése


T II E DISCOVERY OF THE DANUBE Müller drew a geographical map of the terri­tory, which showed the boundary between Transylvania and the Temes Banat. The map was later sent to Vienna together with Marsigli's report. He drew the borderline in red. Beside it, their is another red dotted line running from the peak of the Cornu Ruski mountain [Ruska mountain range] across the peaks of the other mountains, which indi­cates the boundary proposed by the Turks. They tried to interpret the basic principle of uti possidetis ita possidentis to their own advantage. Marsigli, however, did not yield. The map was intended to be an accurate document. It contained the boundary mark­ers called "humka", which were constructed from eart and stone, the spots that were suit­able forestablishing military bases, pathways for pedestrian travellers, where it would be troublesome to pass on a horse, the possible place for a new bridge over the Maros river, and three mounds that were built after the temporary agreement, and which were to be established on the Prisbul, Branul and Murarul mountains. The map also indicated a watchtower on top of the hill next to the Bistra river, from where one could see as far as Karánsebes when conditions were favourable. It was also noted that an abandoned stream bed was found lying parallel to the left bank of the Maros. 6 6 Marsigli certified with his signature at the bottom of the page that the borders are accurately depicted. 2. From Szalánkemen to the mouth of the Una river 6 7 The map of the Transylvanian frontier stretch followed the boundary only until the mouth of the Maros river at the Tisza. From this point, the Tisza river marked the boundary until it flowed into the Danube. Although we did not find a map of this stretch among the borderline maps registered in Vienna, we did find one in Bologna. 6 8 The nearly three and a half meter long drawing indicated channels, sometimes called bara in Slavic or ruptura in Latin, streams, swamps and some settlements along the river marked by ordinary numbers from 1 to 96: Krivi channel, Beke channel, Supin headland, Mathias bara, Tatalia rup­tura, Tzuro-channel vel rupturcT 9. In this stretch, the width, depth and speed of the rivers were measured on the Tisza at the mouth of the Maros and below Szeged, on the Danube at Pétervárad and on the Kerka river, and at two places on the Sava river. He had the gradient of the river measured at the cataracts on the Lower Danube. 7 0 When the commissions reached the mouth of the Tisza, they crossed the Danube and pitched camp at Szalánkemen. The natural setting offered easy passage toward Belgrade along the Danube, turning west only at the mouth of the Sava river. This was all well, but Belgrade was a very important fort for the Turks, so the bor­der had to be maintained at a safe distance from it. So they crossed Sirmia and reached the Sava river in the direction of Rumen and Metrovi. In the meantime, according to the official statement of Marsigli, 208 frontier mounds wereconstructed. 7 1 They did not have to attend to raising mounds along the IMAGE No. 8 on page 24: The map of the Transylvanian border (detail) 6 5 The status of the territory remained unchanged: as you have possessed, you will possess. 6 6 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 6. 6 7 B IX C 831 ibid.; 48 x 234 cm. The draft is in BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 49. p. 5. Müller's note: Simonetti took it to Vienna enclosed to Relatio V. on June 12, 1699. 6 8 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 38. p. 30. 59 x 340 cm. 6 9 The name shows us in what sense Marsigli and Müller used the name channel. (The word "ruptura" means a rupture, a gap; rupti aggeres = rup­tured dams, dikes.) 7 0 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 46. p. 14. We do not have any data indicating the time the measurements were taken. 7 1 BUB Mss di Marsigli Vol. 69. pp. 37-46. 108

