Egyháztörténeti Szemle 17. (2016)

2016 / 2. szám - SUMMARIES IN ENGLISH - Kasznár Attila: Religous Historical Frames of the Formation of the Philosophical Religious System in China - Damian, Iulian Mihai: The inquisitio of the Franciscan Friar Enecus against the Bishop of Pécs (1267)

Summaries in English Religious Historical Frames of the Formation of the Philosophical Religious System in China Kasznár, Attila Many researchers feel that something must have developed form the mix­ture of these two in the Far East: a system that is not independent on its own, it is ‘a Far-Eastern exotic offshoot of the general history of religion’. (Hans Kiing) But this is not true at all. More and more researches find and prove that an independent system developed in China, the philosophical type of religion, in which philosophy and the wise play the major roles. Which religions were integrated into this third system? Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism make up this symbiosis that keeps this independent mechanism in motion. However, in order to get a full picture of the religiousness of the Chi­nese, let us first discuss the ancient Chinese religion. What do we mean by ancient Chinese religion? It is a system of faith and believes based on the cult of Shamans that used to be the most wide spread in ancient China, or rather which remained of it and known to the western man in the form of prophecy bones and tortoise shells used for prophecies. In this world of beliefs, the king was the high priest, the commander- in-chief and the political sovereign as well. Another typical feature that still prevails clearly is the trichotomy of this world: the worlds of the Sky, of the Earth and of the Dead. The ancient religion developed this belief in de­mons, in spirits and in the ancestors which often got entwined with natural happenings and events closely linked to nature. The different religious foundations still form an integral part of the religion that is alive today. We could discuss a lot of details of the religion of the ancient Chinese, but such an analysis would take us too far from our topic. The inquisitio of the Franciscan Friar Enecus against the Bishop of Pécs (1267) Damian, Iulian Mihai In September 1266 Pope Clement IV charged the Franciscan Friar Enecus, cleric of the Penitentiary, to investigate the allegations against the bishop of Pécs Job, formulated by the Archbishop of Esztergom and by other Hungarian clerics. The papal intervention was a tentative to settle rapidly the trial opposing those parties held in Rome, dating back at least from 1261. A newly discovered document from the Venetian archives revels that the Franciscan Friar really accomplished his mission, opening a procedure against the bishop, held in Székesfehérvár at the end of May 1267. The detailed records of this trial offer a new inside on an intricate case, who revels soon its political backgrounds in the civil war between king Béla IV and his son, the junior rex Stephen V. The tentative of the pope to recourse ex officio at the procedure of the inquisitio, trying to overcome the stall of the case opened in the Roman curia, prove that Clement IV was not equi­distant in the dynastic controversy. By other hand, the documentation reveals the conspicuous degree of juridical culture of the Hungarian high clergy.

