The chronicle of Eger Tobacco Factory

The cigarette factory

Infra light cut filler dryer tunnel at the end of the 50s informed that we are well aware of the denounce­ments made by them, and that inde­pendently of this knowledge we require them to continue with their work. However, we do not intend in the future to allow them to trouble the thinking of honourable workers with their demagogic accusations”. People took this new-old order in their stride, and steeled themselves for a long period of silent forebearance. From the enormous bulk of documentation left to us from party meetings over the course of the next forty years, we know that politics was never again to inflame the breasts of the fact­ory employees. After 1956 a new historical chapter opens in the form of a calculated, deliberate move towards the production of filter cigarettes, which we can trace right up to the eventual launching of the product in 1965. In 1958 the national consumption of cigarettes stood at 14 million, of which market Eger could claim an 11.5% share, with its output of 1.7 billion. This figure had risen to 2.5 billion by 1964, but despite this the market share did not increase, showing that other factories were also doing well out of the growing public demand for tobacco. In order to stabilise these yearly figures, the factory had to undergo very Pensioners’ farewell party. Mrs László Vas dances her last factory waltz with Aladár Szarvas

