Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 1989. 19/3. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 19)

Budai, László: Some Basic Assumptions Underlying Foreign Language Teaching Strategies

- 10 i 3. Group live actio n. The teacher tells the whole class/group to do each of the actions in the series. (The first three procedures, may be repeated several times.) 4. Written copy . This is the first time the students can see the series in writing. 5. Oral repetition . Plenty of time may be devoted to pronunciation. At this point meaning can also be clarified. 6 S tudents giving commands - teacher and other students responding physically . 7. Students all working in pairs . The teacher goes round listening, encouraging, approving, and helping. And now let us look at a sample of the series: ICE CREAM AND T.V. 1. Go to the refrigerator. 2. Open the freezer. 3» Get the ice cream out. 4. Close the freezer and the refrigerator. 5. Put some ice cream in a bowl. 6. Leave the carton on the counter. 7. Go into the other room. 8. Turn on the i.V. 9. Sit down and watch your favourite programme. 10. Eat your ice cream. 11. When you're finished, go back for more. 12. Oh no! The ice cream's melted! You forgot to put it away! What a mess! The Direct Method opposed to the Grammar-Translation Method, the Communicative Approach opposing the Audiolingual Method, Krashen's hypotheses denying the importance of conscious learning are all extremes, which take root in a negation of the other extreme, and result in a new state of imbalance between the different but coherent sides of human

