Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 1989. 19/3. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 19)

Budai, László: Some Basic Assumptions Underlying Foreign Language Teaching Strategies

- 103 ­(Gateva 1978) consistent with the latest requirements nf the suggestopedic system, lhis is what Professor lozanov (with whom i had the luck to discuss some of the issues of Suggestipedia in Sofia in 1903) finds important to say in the introduction to the textbook of the Italian language . The material is drawn from life on a communicative level. Following the plot of the light didactic story, the students become familiar with various aspects of the characters" psychology, with the characteristic features of Italy and its ancient and modern culture; they penetrate into the beauty of the foreign language. In this way difficulties of mastering ttie language recede into the background and are overcome imperceptibly. The textbook is consistent with the basis of suggestology, as well as with the principles and techniques of suggestopedia . Its correct use makes it possible for ttie teacher to help students to realize the reserve complex, i. e. to learn the material with considerable ease at a creative level and without unpleasant fatigue, with no harmful effects on the nervous-system, with favourable educational effects and wi th ever-growing motivation. Besides giving the whole plot of the didactic play, the textbook has the following new points, advantages from the standpoint of Suggestopedia : 1. Most of the subject-ma tier (Fj50 new words and considerable pnrt nf the essential grammar) is presented already in the first lesson. So use is made of the particular suggestive features at the first meeting, when learning is the easiest. At ttie same time, the students have a wide choice of words, phrases, models and grammatical forms in all ttie classes for ttie elaboration of the new material. Ihey do not feel "conditioned" and restricted within the framework of a few words and models wlien expressing their thoughts in the foreign language. In the following lessons, the number of new words and grammar units decreases, so that learning them is easier. 2. The different parts oi the sentences, as well as ttie word groups, have been put in separate lines so that can be changed. In this way, hundreds of (parts of) patterns of the spoken language that can be changed are learnt more easily. Without falling into struturalism, patterns are used

