Az Egri Ho Si Minh Tanárképző Főiskola Tud. Közleményei. 1979. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 15)

III. TANULMÁNYOK A TERMÉSZETTUDOMÁNYOK KÖRÉBŐL - Dr. Kárász Imre: Produkcióvizsgálatok a síkfőkúti cseres-tölgyes erdő cseijeszintjében I

SHRUB LAYER PRODUCTION INVESTIGATIONS IN THE QUERCUS PETRAEA-QU. CERRIS ECOSYSTEM OF THE SÍKFŐKÚT RESEARCH AREA I. by DR. IMRE KÁRÁSZ The present paper contains the results of a year's production estimation carried out in the high shrub layer of the ecosystem of the Síkfőkút („Síkfőkút Project") turkey oak (Quercetum petraeae­cerris) forest having been the subject of a complex biosphere research since 1972. We estimated a year's production of the most significant 6 high shrub layer species in 1977. The other 4 species are discussed under the title „other". A year's organic material growth of the above­ground components (stem + branch, a year old twig, foliage, flower, crop) is included in the estima­tions. The production of the shrubs was measured by the average shrub method based on the measu­rement data of 10-10 sampleshrub with average dimension per species (table 1.), and counted respec­tively in a breakdown per spedies one by one for the above mentioned fractions. Our results in dry weight per hectare are shown in table 2. A year's production of the high shrubs on one hectare area of forest is 979,96 kg organic material. Of this, 48,17% (472,06 kg/ha) is produced by Cornus mas, 34,96^ (342,67 kg/ha) by Acer campestre. The total production of the other species is 165,23 kg/ha (16,87%). The distribution of the production according to species is shown in Fig. 4. The distribution according to fractions is as follows: foliage represents 462,47 kg/ha stem + branch 247,28 kg/ha, a year old twig 228,43 kg/ha, flower 1,56 kg/ha, crop 40,22 kg/ha (Fig. 2.). A year's production of the different species was compared with the aboveground phytomass of the same species. The quantity of production generally amounts to the 22-23% of the aboveground phytomass. 477

