Az Egri Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 1968. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis ; : Nova series ; Tom. 6.)

I. m. 76. I. m. 76. I. m. 18. I. m. 64. Lásd 5. jegyzet. Vö. D. Alexander: O'Neill as Social Critic. Megjelent O. Cargill —N. Brillion; O'Neill and His Plays c. tanulmánykötetében. New York University Press, 1961. U. o. 106. U. o. 400. U. o. 115. Vö. W. Z. Foster: Az Egyesült Államok kommunista pártjának története, Szikra,. Budapest, 1953. I. m. 18. I. m. 17, I. m. 42. H. A. Myers: Tragedy: a View of Life. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1956. V. I. Lenin: Materializmus és empiriokriticizmus, 130. Szikra, Bpest, 1949. Lásd 33. jegyzet. I. m. 30. Uo. Lásd 7. jegyzet. Lásd 8. jegyzet. E. O'Neill: Eljő a jeges. Ford. Vajda Miklós. Modern amerikai drámák, Európa,. Bpest, 1966. THE MISSION OF LUKA AND HICKEY (THE OUTCASTS OF SOCIETY IN A PLAY BY GORKY AND O'NEILL) ISTVÁN SZABÓ SUMMARY The author undertakes in this article a comparative analysis of „The Lower Depths" by Gorky and „The Iceman Cometh" by E. O'Neill. The analysis points out some similarities between the two plays in form and subject-matter. At the same time the author underlines some basic differences between the two dramas regarding, the philosophy and idealogy conveyed by them. The difference in treatment by Gorky and O'Neill of such categories as illusion versus reality, truth versus lie is, analysed in great details. The author also endeavours to sketch out the philosophical background of the two different viewpoints taken by the two authors concerning those categories. The question of O'Neill being influenced by „The Lower Depths" is. also touched on. Some comparatists, as it is known, maintain that such an influence may have been possible, others deny it. A detailed bibliography of articles written, on the subject is attached to the work. 212-

