Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 1994. Sectio Geographiae.(Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 21)

Tóth Géza: Geomorfológiai megfigyelések az Istállóskő északi oldalán

TÓTH GÉZA GEOMORFOLÓGIAI MEGFIGYELÉSEK AZ ISTÁLLÓSKŐ ÉSZAKI OLDALÁN ABSTRACT: The formation of narrow valleys with rock glaciers running down at the northcn side of Istállós-kő (Bükk Mountains, Hungary) have taken place on the slope which makes connection between the 950 m high and 650-700 m high levels developed by planation. Main role was palyed by the erosion in the development of main valleys, while later their formation were continued by mass movement processes. Development of side-valleys amastomosing into the main valleys was caused by the difference in rock quality (chert and limestone). Chert stripes have played important role in the preformation of the place of these narrow, little valleys. The surface at the vicinity of these side-valleys heva been deeped by mass movement processes and rock glacier channels were formed. There are spots of chert can be observed on the line-stone wall of these side-valleys proving the role of difference in rock quality in valley development. The cross-section of these side-valleys conform to the dip of the rocks. There are many spring comes under the 700 m high level. These are the evidence of the former karst base level. This base level conform to the pediment developed at the end of the Pliocene age. During the Pleistocene age the fonnation of these valleys have continued and new valleys have continued and new valleys also developed on the northern side of Istállós-kő. 125

