Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 2002. Vol. 3. Eger Journal of English Studies.(Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 29)

Éva Kovács: Properties of Verbs Which Constitute Phrasal Verbs

PHRASAL VERBS 113 flop down, flunk out, flush out, fog up, forge ahead, fork out, form up, foul up, freak out, freshen up, fry up, glaze over, gouge out, gulp down, gum up, hatch out, heat up, heel over, hike up, hire out, hitch up, hollow out, hop off, hound out, howl down, hush up, hype up, iron out, jabber away, jog along, jot down, jumble up, jut out, kill off, kip down, kiss away, kneel down, lace up, ladle out, lag behind, lap up, last out, laze about, leak out, lend out, line up, linger on, link up, loan out, loosen up, mash up, mask out, mind out, miss out, mop up, mount up, mouth off, mow down, muffle up, mug up, mull over, multiply out, muster up, narrow down, nestle up, nod off, notch up, note down, offer up, ooze out, own up, pad out, pan out, partition off, paste up, pave over, peal out, pelt down, pencil in, plant out, plonk down, port up, prise out, prop up, queue up, quicken up, quiet down, quieten down, rap out, ration out, rave up, render down, rent out, report back, rev up, rinse out, rot away, rout out, rumble on, rustle up, salt away, sand down, save up, scour away, screen off, scrunch up, search out, seek out, select out, shape up, share out, sharpen up, shave off, shear off, shell out, shoo away, shop around, shrivel up, shrug off, shuffle off, sidle up, simmer down, single out, siphon off, skive off, slacken off, slave away, slope off, slough off, smarten up, smoke out, snarl up, sniff out, sob out, spark off, speed up, spell out, spice up, spit out, spout out, sprawl out, spur on, spurt out, square up, stack up, stammer out, stash away, stitch up, stock up, stoke up, stow away; struggle on, stub out, stump up, summon up, surge up, suss out, sweeten up, swell up, swill down, swoop down, swot up, tamp down, tape up, taper off, tease out, tense up, thaw out, thrash out, thump out, tighten up, toil away, topple over, toughen up, tow away, trace out, trigger off, truss up, use up, veer off, waste away, water down, well up, whisk away, whoop up, wire up, wither away, wolf down, wrap up, wring out, yell out, zip up It is also pointed out in the dictionary that in some cases the verb means the same as the verb-particle combination. E.g.: bail up — bail; clutter up - clutter; coil up — coil; conjure up ­conjure; crouch down — crouch; curl up — curl; drone on — drone; fathom out — fathom; fatten up — fatten; fog up — fog;

