Az Eszterházy Károly Tanárképző Főiskola Tudományos Közleményei. 1998. Vol. 2. Eger Journal of English Studies.(Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 26)

Studies - Lajos Szőke: Anglica vetera in the Archdiocesian Library of Eger

Perkins: Opera omnia theologica (Genevae, 1624). The treatises of his disciple, the Puritan-Pietist William Amesius give a detailed analysis of the Puritan spirituality but discuss also all the important matters of Protestant theology, liturgy and dogma of the time (10 volumes in the collection of the Library). Out of the 75 editions of Lewis Bayly's Practice of Piety the Library has four (1635, 1670, 1680, [?]). Although the author was a "sober Calvinist", as Fl. Higham calls Bayly, his popular devotional manual could fit into the Catholic patterns of piety (Higham 1962. 140). In a similar way there could be room for the guidance of The Whole Duty of Man (1674), a popular devotional treatise of XVIth century (published anonymously). The English philosophical works start with Roger Bacons's Analyse de Philosophie (1755) followed by Francis Bacon's popular philosophical book continente de Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum (1623). In this work he unfolds the theory of "double truth", later so much attacked from all sides. The nine volumes of Fr. Bacon's works in the Library contain all his major philosophical and historical treatises. Also in Latin original is J. Owen's Epigrammata, published in Leipzig in 1617 with a definite anti-Catholic content. Sometimes the works of English authors were bought in German, in the most well-known language in Hungary after Latin. William Barclaius' treatise about the right of the Pope is in a late German translation: Abhandlung von der Macht der Paptes in zeitlichen Dingen (1788). His son, John Barclaius, a well-known satirist of the XVIIth century, however, is represented by a Latin work: Icon Animarium (1733). Thomas Hobbes' political ideas are in a French publication: Les Fondamens de la Politique (Amsterdam, 1649). History The books on Britain's and America's history in the XVIth century are mostly in Latin, in the XVII-XVIIIth century parallel with Latin works we can find German and French publications: Jovious, Paul: Descriptio Britanniae, Scotiae, Hiberniae , ... (Basel, 1578) Buchanan, Georg: História rerum Scotiarum ... (Edinburgi, 1583) Horn, Georg: Rerum Britannicarum ... (Lugduni Bat. 1648) Chamberlagne: L' Etat present d' Anglaterre (Amsterdam, 1688) Millot: Elemens de /' histoire d' Anglaterre (Hage, 1778) Robertson, William: Histoire de V Arnerique (Paris, 1778) Geschichte von America (Leipzig, 1798-1801) Remer, Julius: Anglo­Amerikanisches Archiv (Braunschweig, 1770) 142

