Az Egri Ho Si Minh Tanárképző Főiskola Tud. Közleményei. 1982. (Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis : Nova series ; Tom. 16)

I. TANULMÁNYOK A TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNYOK KÖRÉBÖL - Dr. Vadon Lehel: Upton Sinclair-bibliográfia Magyarországon 1900—1981

ALLATT, EDWARD: Jack London and Upton Sinclair. Jack London Newsletter, 1968. I. (January—June), pp. 22—27. BALDWIN, JAMES : Everybody's Protest Novel. (The Jungle.) Partisan Review, 1949 (June), pp. 578—585. BLOTNER, JOSEPH: The Modern American Political Novel. Austin University of Texas Press, 1966. pp. 113—117, 286—290. BOROUGH, W. REUBEN: Upton Sinclair's EPIC, 1934. Occidental Review, 1965. IV (Summer), pp. 29—41. BOYNTON, H. PERCY: A History of American Literature. Boston: Ginn, 1919. pp. 117—131, 257—259. BROWN, B. DEMING: Soviet Attitudes Toward American Writing. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1962. Chapter VIII, pp. 202—219. CANTWELL, ROBERT: Upton Sinclair. In After the Genteel Tradition, ed. Malcolm Cowley. New York: W. W. Norton, 1937. pp. 37—51. CHALMERS, M. DAVID: The Social and Political Ideas of the Muckrakers. New York: Citadel Press, 1964. pp. 88—103. DELL, FLOYD: Upton Sinclair: A Study of Social Protest. New York: George H. Doran, 1927. 194 pp. DURAM, C. JAMES: Upton Sinclair's Realistic Romanticism, Wichita, Kansas: Wichita State University, 1970. 11 pp. GOLDBERG, ISAAC: Upton Sinclair's Book Fight in Boston. Haldeman — Julius Monthly, 1927. VI. (September), pp. 105—110. GOTTESMAN, RONALD: Upton Sinclair and Sinclair Archives. Manuscripts, 1965. XVII (Fall), pp. 11—20. GREENE, ERNEST: The Candidacy of Upton Sinclair for the Noble Prize for Literature. New York: Published by the Committee. Pamphlet, 1932. 40 pp. HARRIS, LEON: Upton Sinclair: American Rebel. Cromwell, 1975. 435 pp. HARTWICK, HARRY: The Foreground of American Fiction. New York: Ameri­can Book Company, 1934. HATCHER, HARLAN : Creating the Modern American Novel. New York : Far­rar, Rinehart, 1935. pp. 127—132. HICKS, GRANVILLE: The Great Tradition. New York, 1933. Macmillen, pp. 196—203. HICKS, GRANVILLE: The Survival of Upton Sinclair. College English, 1943. IV (January), pp. 213—220. HITCHCOCK, N. CURTIS: The Brass Check. Journal of Political Economy, 1921. XXIX (April), pp. 336—348. KARSNER, DAVID: Sixteen Authors to One. New York: Lewis Copeland Ca, 1928. pp. 265—278. KOERNER, D. J.: The Last of the Muckrake Men. South Atlantic Quarterly, 1956. LV (April), pp. 221—232. LARSEN E. CARLES: The EPIC Campaign of 1934. Pacific Historical Rcwiew, 1958. XXVII (May), pp. 127—147. LEE. HENRY: Upton Sinclair 1, America's Mightiest Muckraker. Coronet, 1968. 6 (May), pp. 120—125. LOVETT, MORSS ROBERT : Preface to Fiction : A Discussion of Great Modern Novels. Chicago: Thomas S. Rockwell Co., 1931. pp. 97—112. (Analysis of Boston.) .329

