Mányoki János szerk.: Credo. Evangélikus Műhely. A Magyarországi Evangélikus Egyház folyóirata. 6 (2000) 1-2. sz.

Figyelő - Lázár Viktória: Keats levelei

Contents János Mányoki: Reflections Béla Harmati: Acknowledgements Károly Bácskai: Is seeing beliving? Catholics and Protestáns Imre Szebik: The Protestant view of Millennium Nóra Pamer: The offering of Hungary by Saint Stephen and the Regnum Marianum Zsolt Giczi: „Towards the spiritual unity of the Hungarians" Thoughts on the History of unity-efforts between Catholics and Protestants du­ring the Horthy era András Reuss: Excommunication? Schools and Civil Matters Károly Hafenscher: What direction are the Hungárián intelligentsia taking? Béla Csepregi: Intelligentsia and evangeli­zing in the Hungárián Lutheran Church (1931-53) Róbert Frenkl: The memory of a school leaving ceremony Mrs Hanna Jancsó: Reflections on the past and present of the Lutheran schooling in Győr Erzsébet Szála: The role of the Seltenhofer family in the development of Sopron Progress of Thought Pál Horváth: Master Eckhart, a little known classic of the Christian mysti­cism Tamás Béres: The romantic charter of reli­gious virtuosity - Reflections on piacing of young Schleiermacher's work within the history of ideas Thesaurus ecclesiae Mária Prokopp: The médiáéval wall-pic­tures of the Lutheran church in Csetnek Vilmos Gryllus: Two memorials Zsuzsa Ecsedi: The fasting and Easter hymns of our Lutheran hymnal Gabriella H. Hubert: Hymns of the 1593 Bártfa Hymnal About classics István Rakovszky: The two-hundred-year old Vörösmarty János Mányoki: On Mór Jókai's anniver­sary (1825-1904) Our relatives Lilli Promet: The versemonger Love - translated by Gábor Bereczky Paulus Person Utsi's poems - translated by Anna Bede Sait Faik Abasiyanik: A child on the funicu­lar - translated by Edit Rubovszky Cultural Section Mrs Éva Gerőfi: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich : Letters from the prison Enikő Böröcz: Confessions on God's mercy Lajos Koncz: Margit Bérezi: Angela's Psalm Éva Bozóky: About the books of Rózsa Ignátz: The Accused and László Lengyel and Asztrik Várszegi: Little Book of Conversation Ernő Gegus: About the book of Szaniszló Jáki: Advent and Science Sára Tóth: The hermeneutics of the incom­prehension János Mányoki: The found treasure of the age of Louis the Great Béla Hegedűs: Chateaubriand, Francois René de: Memoirs beyond the grave Viktória Lázár: The letters of Keats - trans­lation and Preface by Ágnes Péter

