Bárdossy György szerk.: Credo. Evangélikus Műhely. A Magyarországi Evangélikus Egyház folyóirata. 1 (1995) 1-2. sz.

Kulturális figyelő

Credo Lutheran Workshop Summary Journal ofthe Hungárián Lutheran Church Editor: György Bárdossy Chairman ofthe Editorial Board: Róbert Frenkl Postal Address: H-1085 Budapest Üllői út 24. Published twice a year Price: 190 Ft The new Journal wishes to continue the traditions of Diakonia the Lutheran periodi­cal published between 1979 and 1993. It aims at reaching not only the public opinion of the church but also of a wider intellectual reading public. The articles are concerned with ques­tions of history, society and culture apart from theological or church-related issues. This first issue begins with a theological meditation „The Prodigal Father" by Tamás Fabiny. The author approaches the parable from a new angle. He demonstrates the dra­matic nature of the parable by means of lite­rary paraphrases. The dramaturgicai power ofthe parable is provided by the juxtaposition of realistic and extravagant features. Lóránd Boleratzky, the prominant Luthe­ran canonist remembers the outstanding Lut­heran Bishop Lajos Ordass on the occasion of his election as Bishop fifty years ago and of his recent rehabilitation by the church court. By means of documents he illustrates the Bishop's brave defence of his Church in the years of Communism and he stresses how he was dismissed and humilated in his forced retirement. After his rehabilitation by the state in 1990 the Diocese declared a State­ment of confession but it was only on 3rd October 1995 when the church court declared that Lajos Ordass was the legal Bishop from his election until his death in 1978. It is the hope of the author that the church will draw the morál conclusions from the legal rehabili­tation. The Synod of the Lutheran Church has been going on since 1991. The same questions were put to the two Chairmen Rudolf Andorka and András Reuss, Bishop Béla Harmati and the host of the Synod, Miklós Koczor. They evaluate the work so far covered touching the virtues and defects of the process of law-ma­king and they also assign the issues to be solved in the one and the half years ahead. They all agree in recognizing how significant it is that after several decades the Synod is now able to bring its decisions freely. Two articles are about significant events of Hungárián history. Géza Jeszenszky Histó­rián and the Minister of Foreign Affairs du­ring the time of the political changes writes about the Peace Treaty imposed upon Hun­gary after the World War I by the victorious powers. He analyzes the negative effects this unjust decision had upon Central Eastern Europe. György Bárdossy, sociologist, editor of the Journal writes about the politilogist István Bibó the only member of Imre Nagj^s 1956 cabinet who remained in his office du­ring the time of the Russian invasion. Asses­sing the intellectual heritage of Bibó he conc­ludes that only this morál attitűdé in politics can lead the nation out from the manifold crisis we experience today. Ferenc Vajda, Director ofthe famous „Fa­sor" Lutheran Secondary School provides a witty portrait of a former student János Har­sányi who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994. Vajda the physicist stres­ses Harsányi's professional significance evo­king his visits to his former school and his encounter with the pupils of the school today. The Journal provides reviews on books on literature, theology, philosophy and art.

