Calvin Synod Herald, 2018 (118. évfolyam, 1-2. szám)
2018-01-01 / 1-2. szám
ISSN 0161-6900 Official Organ of The Calvin Synod - United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA — VOL.CVIII. JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2018 NO. 1 - 2 IN THIS ISSUE We Can versus We Can't-Rt. Rev. Dr. Csaba Krasznai, Bishop...................2 Christmas Eve Remembered -Rev. David B. Bowman..........................................4 Epiphany.....................................................................4 Auld Lang Syne........................................................5 Calvin Synod Conference -Call to Meeting..........6 A New Start for The New Year..............................7 Igazán Újév-Dr. Viktor János.................................9 Meg tudjuk kontra nem tudjuk-Rt. Rev. Dr. Csaba Krasznai, Bishop.................11 In Memóriám.............................................................12 Orderblank..& change of address form................12 Magyarországi Ref. Egyház Zsinati Bizottágának vezetőivel való találkozás -Dr. Krasznai Csaba. 15 Calvin Synod Homeland and Overseas Mission. 17 Hirdetések.....................................................18-19-20 Another fresh new year is here. Another year to live to banish worry, doubt, & fear to love & laugh & give! Author Unknown Daylight, my Priend seldom seen (Jour absence tells which season's dose Time to reflect on months gone \xj, hut not i^et Christmas nears, no time to think hejssng smiles caught through bust^ streets Indoors we flee in Pront oP Pires Glasses clink, we toast the gear's end (Jou catch r»xj eye, next year we'll meet. One last Parewdl, down Pamíy roads we head Its late now, a window candle is lit One more drink poured, the last stories shared Another year, things change, the same warmth's P T-fappp CALVIN SYNOD HERALD