Calvin Synod Herald, 2012 (113. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
2012-01-01 / 1-2. szám
out of nothing created heaven and earth with all that is in them, who also upholds and governs them by his eternal counsel and providence, is for the sake of Christ his Son my God and my Father. I trust in him so completely that I have no doubt that he will provide me with all things necessary for body and soul. Moreover, whatever evil he sends upon me in this troubled life he will turn to my good, for he is able to do it, being almighty God, and is determined to do it, being a faithful Father’.” Rev. Albert W. Kovács CALVIN SYNOD HERALD_____________________________ THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Father, thron’d in heav’n divine, To thy great name be praises paid; Thy kingdom come - Thy glory shine; And thy good will be still obeyed. Give us our bread from day to day, And all our wants do thou supply; With gospel truth feed us we pray, That we may never faint or die. Extend thy grace, our hearts renew, Our each offence in love forgive; Teach us divine forgiveness too, And freed from evil let us live. For thine’s the kingdom and the pow’r, And all the glory waits thy name; Let ev’ry saint thy grace adore, And sound in songs their loud Amen. REFORMED CHURCH HYMNAL 1853 Bread for the New One Texts: Jeremiah 8:18-22 Scheme:- The prophet suffered a lot. Fie had got visions for the future. Most of the prophet's vision had been done but there was the opportunity all the time and the chosen nation always could have changed their ways. The changed way means the conversion. Jeremiah and the nation experienced the judgment of God because of the respect of idols. The prophet's theology conceived of the Lord as the Creator of all the exists, as all powerful, as everywhere present. Judah lived hard days, people were disappointed, kings followed each other on the throne. It was a period of storm and stress when the doom of entire nation was being sealed. 1. The prophet says: The harvest is past. Flowever, there is no bread. People are hungry and stressed out. There is no bread and bread means blessing but as the people respected foreign idols, they tossed away the blessing and pulled closer the punishment. Bread means Life. It is a kind of fruit of hard work and of belief. Bread is an invisible rope, which bounds people. In Lord's supper, the broken bread bounded the disciples (Judas was amongst them). Bread means food for the body, human body works by bread; those children who are grown up by bread are healthier than those who are raised up by artificial foods. Bread means the common roots, the common work and the common faith. In Hungary During the harvest (by scythe), people were singing. Our harvest song is the common prayer in the church. Our bread is the common bread on the Lord's table. This news is always bringing something new in our life. New people, new hope, new dream is always available for those who look for Jesus in the New Year too. 2. Jeremiah calls out: 'We are not saved' This can be a problem of the whole nation or church life too. If we serve for idols, we are slaves. Some people are are stocked by the dreams, hopes, material efforts and the recession. If the country has more workplace and if there is more value of the job, we will be saved. This will not come without faith. We need to believe again entirely in God. Our Savior will be Jesus still and again. Believers are more effective workers in the society because they have moral life and with the living bread, we could own a renewed belief for the New Year. 3. The prophet asks: Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?' Wounds are healing by balm and doctors, but those wound which are in the soul can be healed only by the bread of Life. This is Jesus. He is the bread for the New Covenant between the Heavenly Father and us. In hospitals, the bread for patients is important. If somebody can eat a slice of bread, he or she has a big chance to recover. The bread is given to keep the unity, to get more faith and to heal the wounds in this New Year too. Rev. Turnus Biro