Calvin Synod Herald, 2010 (111. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
2010-01-01 / 1-2. szám
2 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD S HERALD Official Organ of The Calvin Synod - United Church of Christ Founded AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA Volume 111 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2010 No. 1-2 Official Organ of the Calvin Synod United Church of Christ - Founded in 1900 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD (ISSN 0161-6900) is published bi-monthly for $15.00/year for individual subscriptions; $10.00/year for groups; 50 or more copies. Please make checks payable to the Calvin Synod Herald Editor in Chief: Rt. Rev. Koloman K. Ludwig, Bishop 7319 Tapper Avenue Hammond, IN 46324 Tel.:219-931-4321 e-mail: Editor: Rt. Rev. Joseph Vásárhelyi 220 Fourth St., • Passaic, NJ 07055 Tel.: 973-778-1019 • Fax: 973-778-1026 e-mail: Business Manager: Wilburn A. Roby Jr. 264 Old Plank Rd„ • Butler, PA 16002 e-mail: Newletters prepared by: Cathy Paksi 419-942-1763 • Newletters printed by: Gazette Printers 724-349-3434 Periodicals postage paid at Butler, PA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CALVIN SYNOD HERALD 264 Old Plank Rd„ Butler, PA 16002-3810 Manuscripts and photographs are not preserved or returned. Send all correspondence to the Editor. The views and opinions of the writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the position of the magazine or Calvin Synod. CALVIN SYNOD HEADQUARTERS: Rt. Rev. Koloman K. Ludwig, Bishop 7319 Tapper Avenue Hammond, IN 46324 Telephone: 219-931-4321 e-mail: OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS Vacancies: BeaverFalls, PA Bridgeport, CT Cleveland, OH (West Side) Columbus, OH Dayton, OH Kalamazoo, Ml Los Angeles, CA The proper procedure is for all interested ministers to send their completed PROFILE (as provided by the United Church of Christ) to the Bishop’s office at Rt. Rev. Koloman K. Ludwig, 7319 Tapper Avenue, Hammond, Indiana 46324. Questions may be directed by telephone to (219)931-4321. CONGREGATIONAL and CALVIN SYNOD NEWS FIRST HUNGARIAN REFORMED CHURCH, New York, NY Congregation members visited the Grand Canyon between Oct. 26 - 30. On Nov. 15 Sándor Balia, opera singer performed at the church. Thanksgiving was celebrated with a Lunch. The Confirmation Class has 5 students and is held on Saturdays. Youth Bible Study takes place every other week with 9-10 participants. The Pastor, Chief Elder and a Congregation member recently visited the ill. FIRST HUNGARIAN REFORMED CHURCH, Pittsburgh PA continues to raise funds for the Medical Mission in Beregszász. We encourage all who can to please join our efforts to help our Magyar brethren in Beregszász. Donations may be sent to: First Hungarian Ref. Church - 221 Johnston Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15207. Please write “CT Scanner for Beregszász” in memo. For more regarding this Medical Mission please see inside. The Congregation also held a kolbász sale on Dec. 5 and a hurka sale on Jan. 16. HUNGARIAN REFORMED CHURCH, Fairport Harbor, OH held a hurka sale on Nov. 7. On Nov. 15 the Sunday School sponsored a S’ghetti All U-Can-Eat-Pasta Dinner. And on Nov. 21 the Women’s Fellowship sponsored a Swiss Steak Dinner. New Wine Lord’s Supper was served at both Services on Nov. 22. And on Nov. 29 an event titled Christmas Chalk Talk showcased the artistic and narrative talents of several individuals. The Congregation held a kolbász sale on Dec. 12. The Annual Christmas Party after Worship on Dec. 13 was sponsored by Women’s Fellowship. And on Dec. 20 the Sunday School Christmas Program took place during English Worship. The Congregation also worshipped on Christmas Eve and Holy Communion was served at both Services on Christmas Day. The New Year was welcomed with a Worship Service on Dec. 31. HUNGARIAN REFORMED CHURCH, Lorain, OH served the Lord’s Supper at both Services on Reformation Sunday, Nov. 1. The Men’s Brotherhood met on Nov. 3, the Busy Martha Meeting took place on Nov. 10. On Nov. 14 the Busy Martha Group held a Pumpkin Roll Sale. And on Nov. 15 a Congregational Meeting took place after each Service. Thanksgiving was celebrated on Nov. 22 with a Tureen Dinner after English Service. Holy communion was served at both Services on Nov. 29, the First Sunday in Advent. On Dec. 3, 17 and 19 the Congregation attended Midweek Advent Worship Services. The Church Christmas Party took place on Dec. 6, and on Dec. 13 Christmas Visitation occurred after English Worship. On December 19 the Sunday School practiced and held a Pizza Party and went Caroling. On Dec. 20 the Sunday School presented their Program during English Worship. The Congregation also worshipped on Christmas Eve Holy Communion was offered at both Services on Christmas Day. MANVILLE REFORMED CHURCH, Manville, NJ continues to raise funds for little Jake Whitenight, the son of church