Calvin Synod Herald, 1996 (96. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)

1996-01-01 / 1. szám

CALVIN SYNOD HERALD AMERIKAI MAGYAR REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA- 2 -I v9frTljLgv9sSKl> COVER PAGE PICTURE The picture on this issue's cover is reproduced from Stephen Sisa's “The Spirit of Hungary". It is an artists conception of the Hungarians crossing the Carpathians through the Pass of Vereczke in 895 A.D. to establish the Magyar Nation in 896 A.D. -1100 years ago in East-Central Europe. The year of 1996 is a year-long celebrations of the historic event in Hun­gary. White Magyars - Black Magyars (It has nothing to do with the color of the skin!) All races and nations are searching for their roots. The magyars have been doing that for several centuries. A new feverish tide just started its new fling recently at the universities of Hungary. Searching for Asiatic roots is going on at the present time with full speed. The Washington Post published a long article in its February 6, 1995 issue. It is almost amusing at the present! The hitting remark was "leave it to the Hungarians to emphasize their Asian roots just at the time they are applying for membership in the European Union!" (by Dr. Stephen F. Szabó, Dean at Johns Hopkins University (our editor's son) "Hungarians are Hungry for their Roots" was the title of the article written by John Pomfret. We have chosen to reprint some of the more crucial excerpts from the article. ENGLISH SECTION Cover Page - Crossing the Carpathians.. 1 White & Black Magyars..................................2 Calvin Synod News.........................................3 New Century Hymnal ......................................4 Cleveland’s Bicentennial................................5 Dr. William Bonis Article..................................6 Necrologue........................................................7 S. Patak Choir & III. World Convention.....8 MAGYAR RÉSZ S. Patak Énekkar & III. Világtalálkozó........9 Magyaródy Szabolcs: Fekadatunk...........10 „Fehér-Fekete Magyarok"...........................11 Nagy Szelek Zúgásában..............................12 Paál Gy.: Történelmi Kálvinizmus............13 Történelmünk Lapjairól.................................14 Uton-Vizen-Levegöben.................................15 Hirdetések.......................................................16-----------------------------------------------------v Vacant Pulpits S. Norwalk, CT Springdale, PA Those interested in applying for these positions are asked to contact the Bishop. "Hungarians, like to Finns, origi­nated in Russia's Ural Mountains." "Hungarians are looking even fur­ther east for the sources of their cul­ture." "Hungarians came to Europe in 896 A.D., moving into the Carpathian Basin and established a Nation." "Urumchi, the capital of Xinjiiang Province in the northwest corner of China." "Students of Inner Asia look to Alexander Csorna de Körös for inspi­ration." □□□ CALVINTM-Reformátusok Lapja Official Organ Of The Calvin Synod United Church of Christ Founded In 1900 (ISSN 0161-6900)' Editor-in-Chief Rt. Rev. Dr. Francis Vitéz Editor and Publisher Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Szabó 415 Steven Blvd. • Richmond Hts., OH 44143 Telephone: (216) 481-3648 Published Bi-Monthly Individual Subscription - $7.00/year Group Subscription - $5.00/year Postmaster: Send Form #3579 for address changes 415 Steven Blvd. • Richmond Hts., OH 44143 Second Class Postage Paid - Cleveland, Ohio Newsletters prepared & printed by I Liberty Media, Inc. - (216) 729-7200 Editor's Informational Remarks for Full Understanding of the Article The distinction of the "black magyars" and the "white magyars" comes from an­cient times. The compass in China has 5 geo­graphical directions instead of our 4 (East, West, North & South). Each direction is symbolized by a specific color: yellow = Central China (representative of the Emperor's gold); black = North; white = West; red = South; and blue = East. Based upon China's color coded com­pass, the Ugars living in the West in the Mongolian section were referred to as "white magyars." In the ancient chronicles of Russia, the "white magyars" together with the Avars, had appeared in the Carpathian Basin in the 670s A.D. and remained scattered throughout the mountains. The Finno- Ugorian branch, from under the Ural Mountains of Russia, occupied the land under the Carpathian Basin 300 years later under Prince Árpád's leadership and established a Nation in the year 896 A.D. They were referred to as "black magyars" in order to distinguish them from the "white magyars". This year is the 1100th Anniversary of the historical event. The entire Nation of Hungary is deeply involved in the celebra­tion of the millennium plus one hundred right at the present.

