Calvin Synod Herald, 1983 (83. évfolyam, 2-4. szám)

1983-04-01 / 2. szám

CALVIN SYNOD HERALD-3-REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA CHANGING OF THE GUARD A pastoral election of historical significance has taken place at the First Hungarian Reformed Church of Cleveland on April 17th. Dr. Stephen Szabó, who was called to the First Church on June 1, 1947 has decided to begin his well-deserved retirement. His congregation has elected Rev. Stephan L. Nagy of Columbus. Dr. Stephen Szabó was born and educated in Hungary, but studied extensively in the United States. He earned his B.D. degree from the Central Seminary of the Reformed Church in Dayton, Ohio and was ordained by the same denomination at the same place. He obtained his Master of Theology degree from the Western Seminary of the Presbyter­ian Church in Pittsburgh and a Master of Arts degree from the University of Pittsburgh in English Language and Literature. A Doctor of Philosophy degree was earned by him at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. Dr. Szabó is known not only as a preacher, but also as a lecturer, church-diplomat and author. He has achieved international fame in 1934 by the famous trial about the authenticity and worship of St. Stephen’s “holy hand” in Hungary. He brought the great trial to a vic­torious end, while all leading Pro­testant papers of Europe lined up with him in a fiery vindication of Protestant and historical truth. After serving two and a half years at the Hungarian Reformed Church of Toledo, Ohio from January 1, 1945 he was called to Cleveland, where under his leadership the present church was built on Sep­tember 4, 1949. His congregation was organized on May 3, 1891 by Rev. Gustav Jurányi. The newly elected pastor Stephan Louis Nagy is a third generation American-Hungarian, who was born in Toledo, Ohio March 15, 1938. Rev. Nagy has been active in his home church from early child­hood and under the leadership of Dr. Joseph Zsíros and Miss Ethel Molnár he gave his first sermon in Hungarian in 1953, during a Youth Sunday. After attending Elmhurst College his home church elected him to the consistory, and later as assistant sec­retary, assistant treasurer, vice-pre­sident and chief-elder. In 1977 he accepted the call of the Hungarian Reformed Church of Co­lumbus where he served as a student pastor, while attending the Luther­an Theological Seminary as a special student. Upon graduation from se­minary in 1979 he was called by the Columbus Hungarian United Church of Christ to serve as a full time pastor, where has was ordained on October 14th of the same year. The congregational meeting of the First Hungarian Reformed Church of Cleveland unanimously elected Dr. Stephen Szabó as pastor emeritus. He is also the honorary president emeritus of our Calvin Synod. Rev. Aaron Elek, the Dean of the Lakeside Classis, was presid­ing over the historical meeting, which was followed by a reception to honor the newly elected Rev. Ste­phen L. Nagy. Rev. Nagy has three children. He is married to Bethel Andrews of Co­lumbus, from where they plan to move during the summer. At the First Church they will be provided with a housing allowance instead of a parsonage. In 1959 the First Hungarian Re­formed Church of Cleveland had 3474 members, but during the last few decades the neighborhood has changed considerably, and the pre­sent reduced membership resides in 56 suburbs. Paul Kantor Cleveland (East) delegates with the newly elected pastor Rev. Stephan L. Nagy (Sixth from left). Dr. Stephen Szabó Rev. Stephan L. Nagy

