Calvin Synod Herald, 1980 (80. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1980-01-01 / 1-2. szám
2 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD HERALD CALVIN SYNOD Official Of»aa Of The Calvin lyned United Chvfch ef Christ Handed in I «00 REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA Published bi-monthly. Editor-in-Chief: The Right Reverend Desmond D. Parragh, Bishop, 8260 West Foster Avenue, Norridge, Chicago, III. 60656 EDITOR: REV. DR. FRANCIS VITÉZ 493 Amboy Ava., Perth Amboy, N.J. 08861 201-826-3513 Subscription-Elöfizetés: yearly: individual: $5.00 group: $3.50 Printed by I. H. Printing Co., New Brunswick, N.J. Second class postage paid at Perth Amboy, N.J. 08861 Send Form 3579 to Calvin Synod Herald-Reformatusok Lapja Circulation Department 493 Amboy Ave., Perth Amboy, N.J. 08861 Please make checks payable to the Calvin Synod Herald Manuscript! and photographs am not prussrvsd ar ratumad. Send all corrospondsncs to tho Editor Tho viows and opinions of tho writors aro thoir own and do not nocossarily roprosont tho position of tho mogazino or Calvin Synod. Untoss a dofinito roquost for discontinuanco is rocoivod wo assumo that tho subscriber wishos his subscription continued without tho formality of a renewal order. THE EDITORIAL BOARD; Editor-in-Chief -_The Right Rev. Desmond D. Parragh, Bishop Editor ____________________________ Rev. Dr. Francis Vitéz Board Members: Rt. Rev. Dr. John Butosi, Rev. Zoltán Király, Rev. Nicholas Novak, Mr. Elmer Charles, Rev. Zoltán Szabó, Rev. Zoltán Kovács, Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Szabó, Rev. Dr. Arthur Ludwig, Rev. Leslie Egry, Rev. Andrew Hamza, Rev. Dr. László Medyesy, Rev. Denes Tamas. CALVIN SYNOD HEADQUARTERS: Official Communications On October 10, Rev. Joseph Benedek resigned from the pastorate of our Gary church. He will serve the Gary congregation until after Christmas. Ministers who would like to consider a change please contact the bishop. Our Gary congregation will be vacant from December 26, 1979. On October 28, Rev. Benedek accepted the call of our Johnstown-Vintondale-Windber charge. Our Kalamazoo congregation is still vacant. If you are interested, please contact the bishop. On October 14, Rev. Stephan Nagy was ordained in our Columbus church and installed as its pastor. We wish him God’s blessing and His strength in his first pastoral charge. On October 21st, our Detroit church celebrated its 75th anniversary with a well attended thanksgiving service and banquet. It was heartwarming to see that the Detroit congregation and its pastor, the Rev. Joseph Sirmay, enjoy the friendship and cooperation of the congregations and people of Detroit. On November 4, the Norridge congregation held a church service and banquet in honor of its pastor, the Rt. Rev. Desmond Parragh. The Ladies Aid presented the pastor with a beautiful Hungarian gown (palast) at the church service. On November 11, the Whiting congregation celebrated its 60th anniversary. Deputy bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. John Butosi preached the anniversary sermon. On November 25th, our Bridgeport church celebrated its 75th anniversary with the participation of the Synodical Council and the churches and ministers of the Eastern Classis. Nov. ’79. Rt. Rev. Desmond D. Parragh 8260 W. Foster Avenue Norridge, Chicago, Illinois 60656 Telephone: 312-456-3398 O O o ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING “When did we see you... ?” “ you did it to one of the least of these: the hungry, the thisty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and those in prison, you did it to me.” When we cannot go ourselves to minister to those who are in need, we make it possible for others to go in our place through a network of Christian Churches in 70 countries around the world, a network of service that we support through One Great Hour of Sharing. This year, the Sunday recommended for the OGHS offering is March 16, the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Watch for announcements of when and how your own congregation is participating this year. Congregations of the United Church of Christ and of many other Protestant denominations join in a common fund-raising effort for OGHS. Together they prepare interpretive materials, and together they channel much of the money received from their efforts through Church World Service, the service arm of the National Council of Churches. Plan now to participate generously in support of the One Great Hour of Sharing. A hungry and thirsty world is waiting. Ed’s Cl., Febr. ’80 January-February 1980 Volume 80, No. 1-2