Calvin Synod Herald, 1974 (74. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1974-12-01 / 12. szám

REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA 5 Beginnings of the Hungarian Bible Translation IV. Bible Translations Since the Reformation The Vizsolv Bible was revised and published about 300 times in Hungary and abroad. This Bible be­came a beloved treasure of Hungarian Protestantism. After the Vizsoly translation, György Komáromi Csipkés translated the Bible and printed it in Leyden in 1718 (1685 appears on the title page).1 In Í718, twelve cases (2,915 copies) of this Bible arrived at the Hungarian border. Out of this number, only thirty­­one copies arrived in Debrecen; the rest were con­fiscated under the order of Gábor Erdődy, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Eger. The King ordered the release of the Bibles but Erdődy’s successor, Count Ferenc Barkóczy, in the presence of 140 priests ordered these Bibles burned. Only one copy was saved and the cover of another copy was found.2 Another shipment of 905 copies of this Bible ar­rived in Debrecen on August 9, 1789. These Bibles were not wide spread but became collectors items.3 In 1736, András Torkos, a Lutheran minister in Győr published his translation of the Bible in Witten­berg. György Szeniczei Bárány also published a transla­tion in 1754 in the city of Lau.4 These two translations however were not widely spread. Sámuel Kámory, a reformed minister in Budapest published a New Testament translation in 1870.5 In 1917 at the 400th Anniversary of the Reforma­tion, Dr. Endre Masznyik, a Lutheran minister, pub­lished his translation of the New Testament.6 Sándor Czeglédy, a Reformed minister, published a New Testament translation in Győr in 1924.7 Sándor Raffay, Bishop of the Hungarian Lutheran Church, published a New Testament translation in Budapest in 1929.8 In 1930, Sándor Czeglédy published a revised version of his former translation of the New Testa­ment.9 Also in 1930, István Kecskeméthy published another New Testament translation.10 Gergely Buday, New Testament professor of the Budapest Reformed Theological Seminary prepared a New Testament translation which was published in Budapest in 1967. Bishop László Ravasz also prepared a New Testa­ment translation which was published by the Beth­len Press, Ligonier, Pennsylvania in 1971. The Reformed Church of Hungary formed a com­mittee to prepare a revised version of the Károlyi Bible t anslation and edited the New Testament in 1955. Following the revision of the Old Testament they felt that their new revised New Testament should be revised again. Thus, a new Revised Hungarian Bible is in the making now. This New Bible, just as the original Vizsoly Bible is completely a Hungarian enterprise with the translation completed by Hun­garians, printed and edited by the Reformed Church in Hungary and in the diaspora. At the present a new Roman Catholic Hungarian Bible Translation is under preparation. NOTES iErdős, Károly, Az újszövetség magyar fordításai a re­formáció óta, Újszövetségi füzetek, No. 1. p. 3. 2Károlyi Emlékkönyv, Musnai László, A vizsolyi biblia és Komáromi Csipkés György bibliája, pp. 150-152. »Ibid. p. 154. 4Erdős, p. 3. 5Ibid. p. 4. 6Ibid. p. 5. 7Ibid. p. 5. 8Ibid. p. 6. 9Ibid. p. 6. 10Ibid. p. 7. Bibliography Benedek, Marcell, A magyar irodalom története (His­tory of the Hungarian Literature), Singer & Wolfner, Buda­pest, 1938. Czeglédy, Sándor, Sylvester Bibliai Kézikönyve (Syl­vester Bible Handbook, 1st volume, Budapest. Fehér, M. Jenő, Középkori magyar inkvizíció (Medieval Inquisition in Hungary), Transsylvania, Buenos Aires, 1967. Féja, Géza, Régi magyarság (Old Hungarian Literature), Magyar Élet, Budapest, 1943. Gálos, Rezső, Legrégibb bibliafordításunk (Our Oldest Bible Translation), Irodalomtörténeti füzetek, No. 9, Pallas, Budapest, 1928. Harsányi, András, A Domonkosrend Magyarországon a reformáció előtt (The Dominican Order in Hungary before the Reformation), Nagy Károly Műintézete, Debrecen, 1938. Harsányi, István, A magyar biblia (The Hungarian Bible), Bethlen Series Nos. 10-11, Bethlen Gábor Press, Budapest, 1927. Horváth, János, A magyar irodalmi műveltség kezde­tei (Beginnings of the Hungarian Literature), Magyar Szem­le Társaság, Budapest, 1944. Horváth, János, Az irodalmi műveltség megoszlása (Treads of Hungarian Literature), Magyar Szemle Társa­ság, Budapest, 1944. Horváth, János, A reformáció jegyében (In the Name of the Reformation), Gondolat, Budapest, 1957. Kardos, Tibor, A huszita biblia keletkezése (History of Hussite Bible), Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, Budapest, 1953. Kálvin és a Kálvinizmus (Calvin and the Calvinism), Debrecen, 1936. Károlyi Emlékkönyv (Károlyi Memorial Book), (Coetus Theologorum, No. 1.), edited by Béla Vasady, Bethlen, Budapest, 1940. Klaniczay-Szauder-Szabolcsi, Kis magyar irodalomtör­ténet (Small Hungarian Literature), Gondolat, Budapest, 1961. Kniezsa, István, Helyesírásunk története a könyvnyom­tatás koráig (History of our Orthography Till the Invention of Printing) Akadémia, Budapest, 1952. Molnár, August J., The Hungarian Bible. Unpublished. B. D. Thesis, Lancaster Theological Seminary, Lancaster, Pa., 1952. Musnai, László, A vizsolyi biblia és Komáromi Csipkés György bibliája (The Vizsoly Bible and the Bible of György Komáromi Csipkés). Múzsák—(Museum magazin), Budapest, 1972. Rónay, György, Káldi Bibliája (The Káldi Bible).

