Calvin Synod Herald, 1974 (74. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1974-01-01 / 1. szám
2 CALVIN SYNOD HERALD To: All Churches and Consistories Re: PASTOR'S REMUNERATION Dear Breathren: Let me again lay upon your hearts the need of our pastors and pasticularly your pastor. This past year has been a most difficult year for all of us. The inflationary spiral in our country continues unabated. Many workers are protected by an escalator clause in their contracts, others receive interim raises. Some, of course, are in the same boat with our pastors, they receive salary increases to compensate for the cost of living on an annual basis. Last year I recommended that our congregations increase the pastor’s salary by at least an amount equal to the cost of living index issued by our government. If this was not done, you actually cut the pastor’s salary in terms of purchasing power. Add to this the inflation of 1973 and the pastor and his family have already suffered at least a 12% decrease in his income. It is my fervent prayer and concerned request that for the sake of the congregation as well as for the sake of the pastor you act at once to correct any inequities because of inflation. Remeber your first concern and responsibility is to the pastor and to his family. Mortgages can be refinanced, renovations can be delayed, capital outlays reviewed. Our Annual Synod Meeting in response to the current situation voted unanimously that the minimum salary of a pastor is $9,000 plus fringe benefits. Also that for Pension Fund purposes this minimum salary base is to be used for pension premium payments and reported to the denominations. I know some will say, it’s too much, we can’t afford it. But please note this, if you will: out of 40 conferences in the United Church of Christ, only two conferences have a lower salary base than Calvin Synod, Vermont and Puerto Rico. We are not proud of this record. If we are to survive as congregations we will need to act in this matter without delay. I am certain you and your people will do everything humanly possible to support the ministry with understanding and love. We always have. Blessings and Peace! Very sincerely, Arpad L. Beretz, Bishop THE EDITORIAL BOARD OF THE REFORMÁTUSOK LAPJA: Editor-in-Chief ........... Right Reverend Arpad L. Beretz, Bishop Editor .................................................................................... Rev. Francis Vitéz Board Members: Rev. Aaron Elek, Rev. Joseph Marsalko, Rev. Joseph Kecskemethy, Rev. Zoltán Király, Rev. Dr. George Csia, Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Szabó, Rev. Victor Orth, Rev. Alexander Babos, Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen M. Bessemer, Rt. Rev. Dr. John Butosi, Rev. Leslie Egry, Rev. Dr. Alexander Havad toy. To: Pastors and Congregations of Calvin Synod Conference U.C.C. Re: THE NEW HUNGARIAN BIBLE Brethren and Friends in Christ: Our 35th Annual Synod Meeting voted to support the publication of the new Hungarian Bible, a completely new translation and the first complete revision since the original Gáspár Karolyi version in 1950. The first Karolyi Bible was an all-Hungarian venture. It would be most fitting if this new translation could also be an all-Hungarian publication. If we in America would supply the money to buy the Bible paper stock for the first edition, or at least for a part of it, this would make it possible for the new Hungarian Bible publication in all its aspects: scientific research, translation, graphic arts, paper supply, printing and distribution, to be an all-Hungarian work and project. For many years the Hungarian Bible was the publication of the British and Foreign Bible Society. It would be most appropriate if now the Hungarian Diaspora and Ecumene could join in the publication of the New Hungarian Bible. The Synodical Council calls upon the congregations to give for this great cause. All monies from the congregations or from individual donors should be sent to the Rev. Joseph Kecskemethy, Synod Treasurer, 220 Fourth Street, Passaic, N.J. 07055. ARPAD L. BERETZ Bishop of Calvin Synod O Word of God Incarnate, o Wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, o Light of our dark sky, We praise Thee for the radiance that from the hallowed page, A lantern to our footsteps, shines on from age to age. calvin urn AI n SYNOD ntrj/ALL/ Reformátusok Lapja Official Organ Of Th« Calvin Synod — United Church of Christ Founded in 1900 January 1974_________________________Volume 74, No. 1 Published monthly except June-July and August-September when bi-monthly. Editor-in-Chlef: The Bight Reverend Arpad L. Beretz, Bishop EDITOR: REV. FRANCIS VITÉZ 493 Amboy Ave., Perth Amboy, N. J. 08861 Phone: (201) 826-3513 Subscription—Előfizetés: évi $3.50 yearly. Printed by Standard Press, New Brunswick, N. J. Second class postage paid at New Brunswick, N. J. 08901 Send Form 3579 to Calvin Synod Herald — Reformátusok Lapja, Circulation Department, New Parker Photo Offset Printing Co., 163 Albany Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 —o— Please make checks payable to the Calvin Synod Herald —o— Send all correspondence to the Editor