Bethlen Naptár, 1980 (Ligonier)

Egyesült Államok - Kálvin Egyházkerület

100 BETHLEN NAPTÁR Az egyház vezetősége 1979-ben. Welch Magda főgondnok, Barnaky Ferenc gondnok, Nagy Lajos pénztáros, Rátkay Csaba jegyző, Lengyef Géza és Szabó Lajos ellenőrök. Presbiterek: Dafkó József, Fehér Márta, Gargyi Matild, Gerő Mária, Kukoró István, Palotay Júlia, Rajz Irén és Sikolya Margit. A Női Kör elnöke Fehér Márta, alelnök Pfáhler Erzsébet, intéző bizottsági tagok: Darkó-Ürmössy Erzsébet, Kallós Rozália és Orbán Karolina. Könyvtárosunk Pfáhler Erzsébet. Orgonista és kórusvezető: Nt. Kálmán Szabolcsné, Zsuzsa. TOLEDO, OHIO — Pastor: Rev. Imre A. Bertalan Lay Minister: A. Joseph Nagy Greetings to our Christian brothers and sisters! In June, 1979, after 20 years of ministery in Toledo, Rev. and Mrs. Andrew E. Harto left Calvin United Church of Christ for retirement in Matthews, North Carolina. On Sunday, May 20, members of Calvin Church joined community residents, church and civic leaders in thanking the Harto’s for their many years of unselfish service. More than 500 people attended the farewell banquet, for the entire Toledo community had come to know and love the Harto’s. Their presence will be missed. In gratitude and tribute, Calvin Church elected Rev. Harto Pastor Emeritus. He and Mrs. Harto leave behind a dedicated church of about 400 members. Some of the strengths we contribute to the Lord’s service are the following: 1) A deep appreciation of our Hungarian cultural heritage. In addi­tion to worshipping each Sunday in both the Hungarian and English lan­guages, Calvin sponsors Hungarian language classes, a Hungarian sewing­­embroidery fellowship and a Hungarian folk dance group for young people; 2) An excellent Christian Education program. Directed by Miss Ethel Molnár and Mr. Louis Sendi, our Church School has an enrollment of 100 young people. Highlights of the Church School program each year are the Advent, Christmas and late spring seasons, the summer Vacation Bible School and August Confirmation Camp; 3) A hard working Calvin Auxiliary and Lorantffy Nőegylet that each month prepare kolbász, fánk and noodles for sale to church and community members; and 4) Friendly, active church leadership that is committed to the growth of Calvin Church and the welfare of the surrounding neighborhood. Our church is ecumenical in spirit and maintains close ties with the two Catholic and one Greek Catholic Church in the neighborhood. The pleasant memories of our years with Rev. and Mrs. Harto will remain with us. We wish them a fulfilling retirement with their family and friends in North Carolina. On September 16, 1979, Calvin Church began to write a new chapter in its fine history. Imre A. Bertalan was ordained and installed as our tenth pastor. During a service attended by more than 500 people we worshipped

